The American news publication Politico has decided to reflect political and economic developments that may influence European as well as American concerns, for better or for worse.
Here’s a headline from a recent Politico article: “The hottest political issue European politicians aren’t talking about.”
If politicians aren’t talking, others certainly are, particularly those who no can longer find housing they can afford. The following article reports on housing riots in Ireland this past year amid rumours that newcomers and refugees had priority access to public housing in Dublin.
If riots are indications of silent European responses from officialdom, it’s fairly clear that politicians, with fingers in their ears, and their tongues intoning ‘la, la,l a, la, la, la,’ may be on their way to a significant oopsy. History preserves the memory of peasant revolts. They may ultimately be a sad and ugly solution to a growing housing crisis, not only in Europe but in North America.
Read more in Politico: The Hottest Political Issue European Politicians Aren’t Talking About