The importance of pets to people who are homeless is well understood by some, and dismissed as an undeserved indulgence by others. has voiced support for pets with owners who are homeless from two points of view. The first: the pets are well cared for.
The second: pets benefit their owners. And while the evidence is there, it can be perhaps a little harder to pinpoint.
We are told that the following article contains an ‘old’ video. It certainly reflects the importance of a pet to the homeless person who owns them. (Is there the faintest hint in the attitude of the pets that they are thinking, “Do we have to do this AGAIN this year, too?”)
Old or not, we’d never seen the video before, and assume that others have not seen it either. So here is an article that links to clear evidence that pets are important to people who are homeless. Read more in INDIA TODAY: Homeless man celebrates dogs’ birthday in old viral video. We are not crying, you are