Collaboration is key in state initiatives to support municipal efforts to build more affordable housing, at least according to one report.
Many Australian communities still lack serious affordable housing strategies. But even those with the vision and the will to tackle the problem can do little without a healthy shove in the right direction from higher government.
A recent study from the University of Sydney found considerable concern about affordable housing at the local level, with practical progress only when a state government has stepped in to provide the push.
Why should communities in other countries be interested in this report? We’re inclined to believe there are a great many more states in other countries that are still sitting on their hands, or even poking sticks into wheels, as their own communities struggle to come to grips with a world-wide affordable housing crisis.
Read more on the Australian study in Domain: Local Governments Held Back By State Counterparts On Housing Affordability: Report
An American opinion piece is pretty much in agreement. Read more in Governing: For The Housing Crisis, Cities And States Need Each Other