Affordable Housing vs. Overnight Parking Zones. The Sordid Future Of Unaffordable Cities?

camper van for sale 003 photo by Ian Fitz is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Tomorrow's mobile micro-home coming soon to a street near you.

At what point does the freedom to become wealthy by trading in real estate descend to insanity? A recent, successful business startup points to a frightening urban future in which the wealthy return nightly to their homes, walking side by side with everyone else who live in the street gutters, occupying small wheeled bedrooms, otherwise known as camper vans.

An absurd idea of the future? Its already a proven business success in the affordable housing nightmare of San Francisco. Read more in the San Francisco Business Times: Bay Area people desperate for housing are renting this camper van for $28 a day

Even more chilling, the quaint exception above is already proving the rule in Seattle, where budget cuts threaten a ‘vehicle living outreach’ team: Homeless Outreach Team Expansion in Flux After Budget Cut


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