Amazon, currently ranked the third most valuable company in the world, will not find the dollars to show leadership in a civic, state, national and world affordable housing crisis. Nor should it. It’s a corporation with first allegiance to its shareholders. Read more in The Hill: Seattle reverses course on business tax after Amazon pressure
Beyond any need for public relations (which Amazon is clearly feels big enough to ignore) it has a corporate responsibility to screw it’s public partner, Seattle, out of every possible dollar it can. Good for Amazon.
But if Amazon cannot find the resources to lead in a crisis of both American earnings and American shelter, then nor can any lesser company.
Many misguided countries today, including America, look to the private sector for a partnership to combat an affordable housing crisis. Those countries are living in a fool’s paradise. Companies are on a shareholder leash. They may profit, indeed profit obscenely, but they cannot lead.
Governments need to find the courage to lead alone, contract services fairly, enforce contracts, spend wisely. They will at least go unbetrayed. National governments to the front of the army where you belong, if you please.
Read more in Axios: Go Deeper: How Amazon Pressured Seattle To Axe Its Homelessness Tax