Turning The Tables On Voucher Discrimination


When a real estate agent applied for a job as a housing advocate at Neighbors Together, a community non-profit in Brooklyn, alarm bells went off.

Many of the people who came to Neighbors Together for help finding housing had vouchers. The staff team at Neighbors Together had seen plenty of real estate agents ignore or flat-out reject potential tenants with a voucher.

The agent had doubts about taking the job too, but she was tired of witnessing the discrimination and wanted to make a difference.

Despite their misgivings, both the non-profit and the job applicant decided to go ahead. And as the article linked below testifies, they are glad they did. The results from the hiring have extended long past the time that the real estate agent worked at Neighbors Together.

The article spends time discussing what made the hiring successful. This is useful for any organization or person where there are misgivings about hiring a specific candidate. Readers will also learn about how Neighbors Together has evolved its practices to hold real estate agents and landlords to account.

Read more in Shelterforce: An Unlikely Collaboration — Real Estate Agent Joins Community Organization to Help Voucher Holders