Aussies Target All Income Levels In Build-to-Rent Project Planted On A Land Trust

PORK and stuff photo by Newtown grafitti is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Redfern, an inner city Sydney, AU, suburb known for its poverty, labor unrest, riots, and graffiti.

Tax credit and subsidized affordable housing projects need not be be solely based upon an ownership model. However, it seems that many developers would much prefer to avoid build-to-rent models. They concentrate on more lucrative profits in build-to-own projects that include some so-called ‘affordable’ housing that may well only suit the budgets of middle income citizens.

In New South Wales, Australia, a new build-to-rent program runs under the banner Communities Plus. Not only does this project aim to provide market rate rentals, as well as so-called ‘affordable’ rentals, but also social housing. The foundation of this project is a government-owned land trust that offers hope of more stable rental prices over a longer term. Read more in Architecture & Design: NSW launches its very own ‘Build-to-Rent’ scheme in Redfern


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