Bernie Sanders, the renowned Independent senator who turns Democratic when it suits him, has been a darling of American progressives since the runup to the 2016 presidential election, where his hoards of supporters seriously threatened the Democratic Party’s anointed choice of Hilary Clinton to contest the election.
With the 2020 elections on the horizon, Sanders is once again angling to be the choice of Democrats to challenge incumbent President Donald Trump.
And once again, both his progressive affordable housing credentials1 as well as some ground-breaking policy objectives2 are on display.
A recent article, however, suggests that his personal ambitions to bring progressive policies to the presidency are not shared by his support for progressive activists who toil in the trenches of local government — ground zero for any affordable housing crisis.
Read more in Commonwealth Magazine: All Politics Is Local
- Bernie Sanders has hands-on local experience developing affordable housing. Try: An American Godfather Of Affordable Home Ownership On Public Land
- Try: Make Me President And I Will..: Bernie Sanders Offers Relief To Renters In Crisis