Brutalism: The Demise Of The High Rise Live-in Parking Garage?

University of Leeds
The Roger Stevens Building, Leeds University, UK

Who knew that architecture could warp the mind, pollute the thinking, cause people to sink into poverty and condemn them to a life of crime? That seemed to be the underlying message of then UK prime minister David Cameron’s £140 million plans to either raze to the ground or massively makeover one hundred “sink estates.” Their very design, it seems, fosters crime and poverty.

In Cameron’s words, these post-war social housing estates are “brutal” and a “gift to criminals and drug dealers,” spelling out his opinions in a Sunday Times article and on the government’s website.

Read more at De Zeen: David Cameron pledges to demolish UK’s “brutal” council estates

A more positive note on Brutalism is struck by a fan of this architectural style, writing in The Guardian: A concrete future


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