Public and Social Housing

Posts concerning housing for people with very low or no income.  The housing is provided separately from the speculative private housing market on a permanent basis.

The Decline And Fall Of Public Housing, Or . . . Back To Tent Camps & Slums

Is the villain called 'small-government conservatism' or is it called 'neoliberalism?'  Here at we've given up puzzling it out. Maybe we seriously need an academic lecture on the...

Even As Temporary Housing, Shipping Containers Can Fail To Do The Job

"Temporary housing" has become a growing industry. It started when the UK government gave local councils a "duty to accommodate" people who were homeless. As the number of households...

UK Tenants and Landlords Propose Government Assisted Sharing Structure For COVID-19 Losses

OMG, landlords and Tenants are getting together to put forward a comprehensive plan that will share the burden of COVID-19 with the government. Brilliant! Can this be a signal...

Can Micro Income, Micro Houses And Micro Businesses Add Up To Micro Communities?

The success of human communities over the eons have been centred around many different physical and social needs, from water or food sources to protection from enemy attack. Why not...

Students Pitch In To Build Housing For People Who Are Homeless

The foremost affordable housing charity in the world proved the method: unskilled volunteers can be enticed to pay to travel to another continent, make a cash donation, then contribute...

Beating Affordable Housing Out Of Cities. After the Carrot Comes The Stick.

With the coronavirus pandemic has come a remarkable downturn in tourism. This has crimped the style of high-flying Short Term Rental (SRT) landlords, who have over the last few...

TOPA Power: Allowing Distressed Tenants To Buy Out Landlords

The headline above seems to suggest an absurd impossibility. The idea that a battered tenant on the brink of rent default and eviction might somehow rise from the floor...

UK Housing Associations Are Teaming Up To Reduce Repair And Building Costs

Social housing providers have been teaming up to reduce costs by making bulk purchases for years. It's a tested method to reduce insurance, utility and financing costs for individual...

What Is The Faircloth Amendment? How Is It Crippling Social Housing In America?

The Faircloth Amendment, passed in 1999, attempts to freeze American social housing in time. Now and in the future, cities may destroy public housing. Cities may neglect public housing...

Can A Public Trust Help Solve NYCHA’s Multi-Billion Dollar Repair Woes?

With years and years and billions and billions of dollars worth of government neglect lying heavily on its shoulders, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) is understandably grasping...

COVID 19 Recovery — Financing Prospects For New Social Housing

There is no question that the COVID-19 response has messed with the economy. Recovery planners are eyeing social housing as a potential win-win for the construction industry and households...

One Size Fits All Social Housing? Nope. Doesn’t Fit Seniors

Is the idea of mixed age social housing a clever attempt to build more complete (and therefore presumably healthier) housing communities? Or is it just a government slapdash cost-cutting...

Pardon Our Enthusiasm: The UK Momentary End To Homelessness That Wasn’t

So where did it come from — all the COVID-19 homelessness good news that actually wasn't? thought that Everyone In, which directed local councils to provide housing for everyone who was...

Good Housing You Deserve? Not Possible By Capitalist Speculation

The ultimate degradation of the term 'affordable housing' has been reached by returning it to a strictly individual expression. Pat YOUR pockets. Is it affordable to YOU? How much...

UK Housing Development Deregulation: A Willful Celebration of Past Ignorance

The United Kingdom is in a unique position. It actually knows the truth about what happens when housing developers are handed their Holy Grail — the unrestricted right to...

A Call For Change As Promises To Build Social Housing Fail To Deliver

The government of Western Australia recently announced plans to build 15,000 units of green social housing as part of its COVID-19 recovery strategy.Try: WA COVID-19 Recovery Plans Include Green...

A Missing Chapter: Housing Development In The Global South

If you’ve been reading for a while, you might wonder why there are so few stories about housing in the global south. There hasn't always been much to...

Green Social Housing – New Source Of Pride For Local Councils

The Royal Borough of Greenwich recently showcased a pilot project of four new homes. The homes are built to meet exacting emission standards and will rent to people with...

Social Housing Policy And The Art Of Do-Nothing Apologetics

In a 1946 essay, George Orwell proposed that “In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible.” Surely the lack of truly affordable housing for...

Vancouver BC Decline And Fall Of The Million Dollar Social Housing Unit

In business-oriented Vancouver, BC, all roads would seem to lead towards profit. For a city regularly rated #2 in the lists of world's most expensive cities to live, it...

Baltimore:  Healthy COVID Cynicism Creates a Care Home That Really Cares

February 28, 2020 was a memorable day for the staff and residents of the Maryland Baptist Aged Home. It was the day President Trump said that COVID-19 was a...

What If FDR Had Beaten The Great Depression By Handing Out Toolkits?

America's greatest housing and employment crisis occurred after the 1929 stock market crash. We're facing another, perhaps even greater one today with the still uncontrolled COVID-19 pandemic. During the 1930's,...

Lisbon’s Answer To High Rents For Essential Workers

Lisbon is inviting short term rental landlords to get into the long term rental business. Concerned that there is no housing in the city that is affordable for essential workers,...

Empty? British Columbia Translates Housing Speculation Into Social Housing

Vancouver, B.C. has been home to some fairly insane social housing practices that, rather than supporting residents with low and no income, seem far better designed to leech government...

Social Housing — Who Says It’s Affordable?

Thanks to COVID-19, your hours of work have been reduced and you've had to apply for emergency financial assistance to help make ends meet. You've been on a waiting...

Hotels For Houses

Vacant hotel rooms have been identified as a potential source of new housing on a large scale. These particular rooms are in the Los Angeles area, where as many...

100 Year Old Experiment in Social Housing — Ignored — Can Inform Us Today

In 1920, one of the world's best known architects, Le Corbusier was funded by a French altruist to create a social housing complex for industrial workers in Pessac, France. It...

How “Minor” Bureaucratic Delays Magnify Into An Eviction Life Crisis

COVID-19 has meant less work or no work at all for too many people. National governments have stepped in with emergency financial assistance. In England, two million people had...

Social Housing Typology: What Works. What Doesn’t. A Personal View.

Australia, with its eyes locally focused but with a continuing awareness of developments around the world, has tackled social housing in a variety of ways. However well-meaning, some have...

Irish Government Re-Starts Evictions Midst Happy-Clappy Rental Smokescreen

COVID-19 got you penniless and unemployed? The Irish Government has legislation planned to get you dancing for joy. Soon, folks in arrears on the their rent payments will legally...

As COVID-19 Lingers, A Focus On Coming Landlord Vacancy Crises

A tsunami of evictions looms on the horizon for individuals and families who have suffered job loss in the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. But every single eviction often...

A Different Way To Fight Housing Discrimination

On July 1, an English a court handed down a ruling to make it easier for people who receive social assistance to move to housing in the private rental...

Is Belle Park On Its Way To Becoming A Land Trust?

Last month, we shared a story about a homeless encampment at Belle Park in Kingston, Ontario.See: Homelessness Underfoot: Grey Problems For Black And White Decision-Making As of today, the...

WA COVID-19 Recovery Plans Include Green Social Housing

What an opportunity to kick-start the national housing industry by building much needed social housing! There is a great deal of activist push for this COVID-19 inspired recovery program....

Bang-A-Pot COVID Key Worker Support Fades Towards A Housing Tragedy

Australia's COVID-19 response required some people to work, not from home, but at their job site. Similar to other countries, the government heralded these key workers, who included waste...

Charitable Housing Associations Step Up

Housing associations in and around London, England have been increasingly frustrated in their efforts to build housing that is affordable for households with low and very low incomes.Try: UK...

Canary’s Song: Australia Needs Social Housing, Other Big Construction Projects

Australia went at COVID-19 'hard and early'. It is now moving on to recovery schemes well in advance of countries such as the United States, which continues to struggle with...

Black Or White, There’s Real Power in Cooperation And Community

How to compete with aggressive land developers, particularly in the largely unshackled competition of free-enterprise nations such as the United States? Land developers have pockets lined with cash to outbid...

Court Trashes UK Universal Credit Testing That Refused To Learn – Updated

The national government in England set out to reform its existing social assistance programs under the banner "Universal Credit" in 2013. It planned a phased implementation over four years....

A COVID-19 Recovery Plan To End Homelessness

The mission of the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness is pretty self evident. These days, it’s making the case that ending homelessness should be part of Canada’s COVID-19 recovery...

Could Remote Working Herald A Transit and Housing Revolution?

The internet has had a remarkable impact on human life, creating powerful new ways in which people can interact. But business has been reluctant to abandon itself to the...

Homelessness In England: How Councils And Localism Make It Grow

Starting in 2010, homelessness in England began to rise. It wasn’t specific to any particular group. The numbers of people sleeping rough, the families with children, and the women...

Architectural Design For Care And Well-Being

Pretty much everyone is hearing about the poor quality of life for seniors that has been exposed by COVID-19. Care conditions have been held to blame, but the roots...

Tips For The Willing — Building Support For Social Housing

When Alexander von Hoffman at Harvard penned History Lessons for Today’s Housing Policy, he was writing in 2012, during the Obama administration. What possible relevance could that have for...

America’s Public Housing: Born To Die

In Vienna, a sizeable portion of the population lives in public (social) housing. We're not talking just low and no income folks, but a wide range of middle class...

Keys To Ending Homelessness

A team of 15 researchers across Canada wanted to find out what services helped people experiencing homelessness who are living with a mental illness. They reviewed every published study...

“Public Housing Saved My Life.” From Racist Abuse To Aussie Senator

Critics focused on the failure of public housing find it convenient to blame its woes upon the collective inabilities of its residents. This dismissal has been much easier to...

From Vienna, Social Housing Designed With Social Purpose In Mind

Social Housing as nuisance/necessity for the human scrapings at the bottom of the income barrel? Not in Austria (and particularly Vienna) where social housing is the housing of choice...

Making The Prevention Of Homelessness A Priority: The Role Of Social Innovation

Homelessness is not something to wish on anyone. This is especially true for young people. Instead, we should put a priority on preventing young people from experiencing homelessness in...

The Slow Drift Back To Toxic 19th Century Urban Life & Housing

Everywhere, higher levels of COVID-19 sickness and death are being associated with urban regions of low income, overcrowding and substandard housing conditions. These regions often contain, or are exclusively...

Students Create Financing Model To Protect Affordable Housing From Market Forces

HUD (the US Department of Housing and Urban Development) sponsors an annual affordable housing competition. The competition is open to university students across the country. The site chosen for this...

Social Housing Evictee Death: Can A ‘Safeguarding Board’ Make A Difference?

What is it with governments and their agencies faced with a need to learn as they go? Even when they come right out and pledge to do so, they...

Prefab: A History of Hope For Truly Affordable Housing

Over the last few years, the free market home-building industry has demanded various forms of government bribery in order to shift its attention away from its preferred profitable activity,...

Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste: BC Low And No Income Benefit

Commentators around the world are totting up some of the previously unthinkable changes that COVID-19 has offered to low and no income residents. The response in British Columbia, Canada,...

Homeless-Built Homes: From A Tiny Start To A High-Rise Tomorrow?

Anyone can learn to do-it-yourself (DIY), even this writer's corporate-lawyer father who turned foot-wide biscuit tins into lamps that never fell over. An intriguing project in Oakland California is assisting...

Vienna Points To Social Housing As A Key To Urban Resilience

The right to adequate housing in a time of civilization-threatening climate change: how will nations respond to these twin imperatives which, on the surface at least, appear to compete...

Ireland Plans A Rebuild, But Not For People Who Need Housing

The government in Ireland has announced its COVID-19 recovery plan. Its promises for housing raise serious questions about whether the government is paying any attention to its electors. Housing was...

Moving Day, Québec Leaves A Few Without Leases: Disaster Or Triumph?

A couple of weeks ago the Québec government stuck its neck out and resolved to shepherd that province's preponderance of rental lease renewals on July 1st every year. They...

Court Trashes UK Universal Credit Testing That Refused To Learn

The national government in England set out to reform its existing social assistance programs under the banner "Universal Credit" in 2013. It planned a phased implementation over four years....

Churchill Was A Prophet And Leader For Victory In “World War House”

"World War House?" Churchill prophesied that war in 1909 when he was the President of the Board of Trade. He lamented landlords gouging tenants, a chronic housing condition which...

Building Better Tenant Experience

Moving to new housing is a very big deal. This is something that community based agencies, non-profits and charities understand well. As the housing market has changed, community agencies...

Can The Private Sector Build Social Housing For Profit? No.

Can the private sector ever cost-effectively AND the profitably build social housing? A simple economics-101-multiplied-over-time argument might be that if they could, they would. But they haven't so they...

Women’s Experience Of Homelessness: What Are We Missing?

A colleague of mine always asks two questions: what are we missing and who is being left out? These questions are especially important in an era where funders and...

The Police Defund Refund. Not Enough, If Black Lives Matter

Only the wildest-eyed optimists imagine that defunding the police means abolishing crime prevention by creating a magical world in which the disappearance of police somehow creates an end to...

Low And No Income Housing: Putting Lipstick On The Pig In The Middle

On one hand, the horrorTry: America Has A Bogeymen Under The Bed: Social Housing. Austria Sure Doesn’t! and gloryTry: Project Towers Reboot: Let’s Dump The Bad Attitude of social...

The Why And How Of Social Housing In The Now Of COVID-19

People with very low and no income desperately need housing they can afford. That's old news, in far too many countries. Enter the COVID-19 pandemic. National responses to this crisis...

Universal Credit = Less Housing Security

Repossession rates are up amongst people who receive social assistance in England. Repossession in England is equivalent to eviction in Canada and the US. This rise in repossessions is being...

Social Housing Vs Social Home: A Meaningful Difference

From a likely source: how to squeeze the last drops of profit from the design and construction of a social housing project. The result is housing, but only the...

Isle Of Eigg And The Tale Of Two Landlords: When ‘Us’ Replaced ‘Them’

Does your government really work for you and all the other people who share your corner of the world? Or does it really serve itself, and grant its grace...

Homeless Sabrina Bags One of Society’s Childhood Dream Jobs

It's so dreadfully convenient to be able to dismiss the social tragedy of homelessness by harping on about the losers of society who have been condemned by fate to live...

COVID Evictees Forced To Gamble For Shelter? Sigh, Same Old Same Old

Nation, an American publication, reacts with some horror to the fate that would seem to be inevitable for no-job no-rent households, and COVID-19 moratoriums on evictions begin to expire. Depending...

Social Housing Communities: Strong? Or Strongly Maligned?

Decades of 'small government' philosophizing has led to social housing community-bashing by the US and its fellow travelling Canadian and UK governments, among others. Suggesting that low and no income...

Groundbreaking Decision In Vancouver For People Who Are Homeless And People Who Are Two Spirited

Tamara Loyer runs a drop-in for trans women in Vancouver. Loyer welcomed the announcement about a housing project that will be dedicated to people who are transgendered and people...

Empowering People With Experience To Prevent Homelessness

If we are ever going to end homelessness, we need to prevent it from happening in the first place. Getting to prevention requires changes to multiple systems, services and...

Homelessness Underfoot: Grey Problems For Black And White Decision-Making

This post is about a homeless encampment in Kingston, Ontario that is operating with permission from the local council. It is about the people who are part of the...

Green New Deal Without Buddies And Beer And Football? Forget It!

For many, a Green New Deal is founded on new forms if human living that respect the balance of life on our planet, a life once assumed to be...

Don’t Rebuild, Build Anew: Progressive Formulae For Post-COVID Canada

Canada is a polite country and it's sometimes possible for progressives to get a word in edgeways without a nuclear blast of scorn from the centre and right. That's...

A City’s Coming Homelessness Disaster, By The Numbers

It's become fashionable these days for homelessness and housing activists to proclaim that once eviction moratoriums expire, 'many, many' will become homeless. Well, perhaps 'fashionable' is an inappropriate description...

Care Homers: Lost In The Crack Between Homeless And Housed

The shocking state of care homes in many supposedly advanced countries have so far contributed a lion's share of COVID-19 deaths. Why have these poor standards of care, as well...

Federated To Death? When It Comes To Housing, I Pick Québec

State "A" thinks tenants should sink or swim on their own. Maybe you should move. Province "B" is handing out dollars, but stopped yesterday, you're too late. Nation "C"...

Remembering To Build Community Into Social Housing Design

If there's one thing that the COVID-19 has demonstrated, it is that humans are social animals who are prepared to die rather than go without community. This is a...

New And Old Pandemic-Inspired Architecture For Future Social Housing

Architecture inspired by pandemics? Who knew? Serious architecture students, no doubt. But both the broad idea and the detail behind architecture that helps homeowners to cope with a pandemic...

Will Social Housing Be Eliza Doolittled To Death?

Rattle a container of upper middle class citizens, and, like a basket of live clams, their shells will close to protect themselves. These are not paragons of social living,...

Are There Future Needs For ‘Emergency’ Social Housing?

Architects are necessarily opportunistic guns for hire, with one project bid for and landed, only to be followed by another, and another. The events of COVID-19 have triggered a demand...

Consequences: How Canada Came To Bless Homeowners, Ignore Others

In one year — 2005 — The federal government of Canada guaranteed 746,157 mortgages to provide housing security for homeowners. How fared those unable to afford to buy a house?...

Prejudice And Zoning Convenience: Lower Classes Can’t Do Community?

Decades of government-abetted shaming in North America have turned social housing into a monster. Its enduring image is one of menacing towers, either filled with the malignant detritus of...

Social Housing: Finding Middle Ground Between Managers & Tenants

Recently we've been exploring necessary steps that will need to be taken in order to allow future social housing communities to flourish. In this regard, we are not giving...

Could Social Housing Kickstart COVID-Stalled Building Industries?

For decades, many governments inclined to goose their housing industry have favoured assistance to new homeowners, rather than stimulating the economy by supporting new rental housing construction. Australia has...

Take A Trip Into Democracy’s Dark Ages — Already Here And Spreading

From a romantic point of view, America's flower-child city has everything. San Francisco has atmosphere, sea views (when the fog has lifted), quaintness, vibrancy, and most of all success...

Housing Crises: Developers Love The Problem, Not The Solution

To hear the housing industry talking about it, they are the embodiment of all that is right about Adam Smith's economic theories. They build only to satisfy a public...

COVID-19 Brings New Urgency World-Wide For Rent Controls

Before COVID-19, there was evidence that investor influence, which dammed up attempts to prevent rent control measures, is crumbling. The past year in the United States, Oregon led the way...

Housing Ombudsmen: Whose Ombuddies Will They Actually Be?

The ever-growing low-income housing crisis is largely due to the uncontrolled free-market commodification of housing that raises rents and purchase prices beyond the reach of those with small, or...

The West Has Elevated Nations Of Millions. Why Not Its Own Homeless?

A must-watch Ted TalkThe Best Stats You've Ever Seen uses global statistics in an extraordinary animated way that is highly visual and actually understandable! The talk and its attendant animation punctures the...

A New Irish PPP Approach For Meaningful Volumes Of Social Housing

This website has been rather relentless in its criticism of social housing built by public private partnerships (PPPs), which tag a small social housing caboose onto the back end...

Let Banging On Pots Be A Brief Stand-In For A Gift Of A Fine Social Home

A group of UK housing associations are proposing a 'Homes For Heroes' housing initiative modelled on the social housing drive following World War I. Banging pots in appreciation daily...

From Australia, A 2-Step, Costed, Plan To House EVERYONE

Without any true desire by governments to make the changes needed to end homelessness, the problem has been growing towards a crisis in many nations. That was before COVID-19. Now,...

Reviving Adam Smith

A researcher at University College London draws attention to Adam Smith's theory of economic rent. Smith is widely known as the the father of free market economics. The theory...

What Is Social Exclusion, Anyway?

Imagine three sets of people who are asked to describe their housing search: The first set are one person households looking for a one bedroom apartment. One is employed,...

Need An Extra Tax For The Poor? In The UK It’s ‘Too Many Bedrooms’

What better time to be thinking about a better social housing future than standing in a quicksand of failure from the past?

COVID-19 And A Tested Program That Helps Tenants To Pay Rent

This is a shout out to the Rent Assist program, which operates in the province of Manitoba. It helps all tenants with low incomes to pay their rent and...