Public and Social Housing

Posts concerning housing for people with very low or no income.  The housing is provided separately from the speculative private housing market on a permanent basis.

Social Housing: Why Women Get Evicted When Some Other Dude Did It

You've lived in the same home for over 20 years, and always paid the rent on time. So why has your landlord decided to evict you? You live in social...

Canada’s Alternative Budget Urges Feds To Step Up To The Social Housing Plate

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives issued its 2020 alternative budget just as the COVID-19 pandemic was declared.The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives/Centre Canadien De Politiques Alternatives is a...

Homeless? Have We Got A Solution For You! (The Usual One)

Why bother to report yet again about riding people who are homeless out of town on a rail? After all, somewhere at this very moment an official is probably...

Strange COVID-19 Bedfellows Press For Social Housing

Who wants to build social housing? Not the housing industry. They've been quite upfront and vocal over the past few years about the housing they would prefer to build...

The CARES Act: Evictions, Foreclosures On Pause For Some. Then What?

An article by three U.S. Law Professors explains how the federal CARES Act only momentarily addresses the threat of eviction and only for a select group of owners and...

English Tenants Earn The Right To Kick The Tires On Housing Rentals

In the midst of the COVID-19 uproar, a new law benefiting English tenants crept into being with little fanfare. Tenants and landlords have for 35 years been 'protected' by the Landlord...

New Scottish End-Homelessness Recipe: 1. Find The Right Disease

And it seems that in the United Kingdom including Scotland, the national government has found the right disease. Only COVID-19 found the government, rather than the other way around. Nevertheless,...

Sharing Shelter With A Corporation: Irreconcilable Differences?

Thinking about sharing as a way of keeping a truly affordable roof over your head while maintaining some control through home ownership?

Different Strokes For Different Folks: Social Housing Design Lab, Mexico

Looking for a some rays of sunshine that reflect a better housing future for low income families? Different climates, different histories, different social and cultural communities: a Mexican 'laboratory for...

Proven Yet Abandoned: Lofty Public Housing Aspirations Can Be Regained

In the final quarter of the 20th century, public housing on both sides of the Atlantic fell victim to "Thatcherite" small-government philosophy. Governments don't belong in the housing business....

Public Housing: Who Benefits? In The US, Even the Residents Are Betrayed

In America, it's hard to imagine a bright future for public housing, notwithstanding that few if any alternatives appear to match its capacity for sheltering low and no income...

Canada’s COVID-19 Pandemic Triggers A Curtain Call For Social Housing

The following article provides a clear and detailed history of one country's journey from some of the most affordable housing in the world, to some of the least. It reflects...

A Wooden High-rise Tower Will Offer Support to LA Homeless

In March we posted a story about the possibilities of 'returning' to wood construction for social housing, as it was now being treated seriously as an alternative to more...

Gender Responsive Standards For Housing, Please!

A groundbreaking meeting was held recently between two UN bodies, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and UN Women (UN/Women). The two groups are talking about developing...

Hong Kong Social Housing: Different Strokes House 50% Of Folks

During the 20th century, different nations found different reasons to develop different forms of social housing. Exceptionalist America more or less did theirs one way for one reason in one...

Commodification To The Max: Renting In A Wildly Uncontrolled Market 

Not all that long ago, religions assumed responsibility for the less fortunate with local governments picking up the slack.

Evict Millions? Not Now, But Probably Tomorrow. Ilhan Omar Objects.

There are a growing number of warnings about a gathering storm of tenant evictions unless some action is taken to move the focus of the American Congress away from...

Financing Social Housing

In the years following WWII, national governments directly funded and built social housing that was affordable for people with very low incomes. The policies, programs and funding that enabled...

What Can Be Done About Criminality Linked to Housing Instability?

Housing insecurity and criminality are linked. How, and why? For decades in North America, many were quick to answer. People who are housing insecure — low and no income tenants...

American Public Housing? Thumbs Down! Social Housing? Thumbs Up!

In North America there are two ways of dealing with the term 'public housing.' One, which we've chosen of late, has been to blur the distinction between it and...

Bad Tenant Disease: Will Govt Bow To Canberra Neighbourhood-Poisoning

Will the government inevitably bow to developers eyeing The Causeway — a public housing estate extraordinarily close to where it's all happening in Australia's capital city? What an extraordinary profit-making...

US Public Housing. Learning To Avoid It? Or to Build It Better?

Three decades or so ago, it suited the political times to declare American social housing dead. If not entirely gone and forgotten, still-remaining projects have ever since been treated...

NZ: Less Government Self-Puffed, So-Called Housing Solutions, Please.

Governments around the world have, for the last few decades, abandoned social housing as a kind of 'failure in progress,' helped along by conveniently diverting dollars for truly affordable...

COVID-19: Social Housing As A Fundamental Public Health Need

With housing a vital containment against the spread of COVID-19, housing is finally receiving national public health recognition both needed and deserved. Shelter, along with food and clean water,...

Home Sweet Social Housing Home

Nostalgia for something never experienced? Such is the feeling of a Boston Globe article, which yearns for a form of housing never successfully taken hold in North America. The...

How Deregulation Saved Screwed New Zealand’s Homebuilding Industry

You're not by any chance associated with a city council currently vulnerable to seduction by a housing industry solution to end all housing crises? Surely you've heard the battle cry:...

Ivory Towers in Montreal, Quebec: Elevated Beyond Housing Responsibility?

Congratulations to housing activists from Comité d’action de Parc-Extension in the city of Montréal, Québec, where rapid gentrification and a new campus extension of Université de Montréal are driving...

Better Late Than Never? Credit Reporting Public Housing Tenant Rental Data

A recent study commissioned by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) introduces the issue succinctly: "HUD subsidizes the rent of nearly one million very low-income households who...

Australian Researchers Call For Social Housing To End Homelessness

In a recent report from Australia, researchers studied the assistance that is offered to people who are homeless and living with a mental illness. The report recommends changes to...

3D Printed Walls: Housing Technology That Plays Well With Others? Or Not.

3D Printers capable of creating sophisticated devices such as fireable guns have tweaked the imagination of dreamers. Those with housing on their minds are not only proposing, but actually...

When It Comes To Preserving Social Housing, What’s So Bad About RAD?

Historically, the most effective way of creating new social housing has been national government-funded construction upon land removed from the free market. Sustaining that housing has been another saga altogether....

In Barrie, Ontario, Cash-Strapped Students May Buy Housing With Chores

Social housing removes homes from the free market and so can provide an ongoing guarantee of truly affordable housing for low income and no income citizens. Unfortunately, there are few...

Lloyd George Doesn’t Know My Father. It Shouldn’t Matter

A silly, satirical British song was still sung by drunken rugby players more than forty years after David Lloyd George served as British Prime Minister in World War I...

American Public Housing Authorities: Undertakers Or Futurists?

American Public Housing Authorities, form into a great big circle. Now lean forward and pat yourselves on the back. Oh. You're already doing that? What a clever little group of social...

Vancouver B.C. Perfects Affordable Housing Shell Game With A Micro-Pea

Leave it to a city which, by some measures, is the world's least affordable after Hong Kong. Leave what to them? Why, solving an affordable housing crisis without actually creating...

Less Is More: NYCHA Uses HUD Magic Math To Squander Public Housing

The great equalities of the future as described in George Orwell's book 1984 are almost upon us. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. The last is a...

Green Social Housing: Impossible Dream Or Old News?

One way or another, many feel that social housing is too expensive for America, even as many other nations find ways to utilize this truly affordable form of housing....

Finding The Path To Belonging

Researchers based at Calgary's Elizabeth Fry Society have completed a report about how indigenous elders and knowledge keepers help people to forge paths to leave homelessness. The report focusses...

Social Housing Futures Confederation Takes Shape In United Kingdom

For some decades, boots-on-the-ground UK local councils and housing associations have followed orders from national government generals hellbent on creating social housing more efficiently and cheaply by hiring mercenary...

Homeless & Need Housing? Get A List Of Places You Can’t Afford From Your Local Gov

Is homelessness getting your community down? You can stamp your feet, roll your eyes, express disgust, then play the blame game. In America, this technique of getting nowhere fast...

Post COVID-19 Twofer? Tackling Unemployment And A Housing Crisis

In North America, the green parties are still a public curiosity rather than the muscular political force that they have become in Europe. In the fiercely two-party United States,...

Is Waiting 1.5 Centuries For Social Housing Good For UK Business?

Business-friendly governments in both the United Kingdom and America cling stubbornly to the notion that mixed income housing developments can build enough truly affordable housing to ease national housing...

Social Housing Future Challenge: Overcoming Decades Of Management Contempt

With growing numbers of low income residents in North America paying more than half their income in rent, there's a pressing need for scalable housing solutions that do not...

Would A Housing Industry Unchained Be An Emperor Unclothed?

The North American housing industry's current battle cry? Unchain us from pesky regulations, and we'll mass-build nations out of their affordable housing crises. There would appear to be no brakes...

Indigenous Women’s Report About Housing Conditions In Canada

The Native Women’s Association of Canada recently issued a research report about the current housing conditions of indigenous women in Canada. Individual communities may declare a state of emergency...

Social Housing Reno: Service To Tenants? Or To Housing Industry?

Local Housing Authorities are finding themselves in almost-impossible situations when it comes to selling long-suffering tenants on the benefits of repairs and renovations. Why are social housing tenants frightened about...

The Mystery Of The Dog That Didn’t Bark — Social Housing

'The dog that didn't bark' is an important clue pointing towards the solution of a famous Sherlock Holmes mystery. Likewise, the 'dog that didn't bark' can be considered a metaphor...

1 Housing Voucher = 1 Social Housing Home. True Equality Or A Macabre Joke?

Housing support voucher programs suffer profoundly in the United States by being unacceptable to many — even most — landlords, whether landlords are legally allowed to ignore them or...

Visionary ‘Green to Last’ For Next Generation Social Housing?

Those who have worked in the business of providing or maintaining social housing inevitably come up against a general public attitude that those in need of public assistance don't deserve...

Colorado Considers Coming Late To The PPP Dance. Should It Bother?

20 years ago, the Colorado Supreme Court decided that classic public private partnership (PPP) 'inclusionary zoning' projects were a form of rent control, expressly forbidden by legislation. This year, housing...

New York City Housing Plan Refocuses Towards ‘True’ Affordability

New York City has broken some important ground with the release of a new report "Housing We Need." The City, at least from a reporting perspective, is apparently no...

City NYCHA Dependence Highlights Fundamental LIHTC Weakness

One less-than-obvious but by no means less-than-important takeaway comes from a New York City report on Homelessness just released. That is the inherent weakness of Low Income Housing Tax...

Co-Living: It Can’t Be All Bad, Can It?

This is for those who have never been a starving student sharing a home space with one or more 'might-one-day-be-friends', but not if they carry on the same way. This...

Choices For Indigenous Women Seeking Safety In Remote Communities?

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has recently published a report about intimate partner violence in remote communities. The report reviews existing academic research and arranges it thematicallyThe themes...

From Wood To Brick To Wood Again. Could Low Income Housing Come Full Circle?

A pair of photographs reflects a depression-era pattern: tumbledown wooden slums in New Orleans, LA, pictured above, replaced by sturdy brick government-built social housing pictured below. St. Thomas Street, New...

L.A. Eminent Domain Fight Exposes Fatal LIHTC Affordable Housing Flaw

The American Federal government's biggest tool for the creation of affordable housing is designed to help developers have their cake and eat it — building subsidies today, and free...

What Is ‘Trickle Up’ Housing Affordability?

Given it's name, 'Trickle Up' affordability would suggest the defiance of gravity. That's always a risk when using physical world metaphors for the financial workings of such as a...

NYCHA Needs 6 Billion, Asks 2 Billion, Gets Nothing New From NY State

When governments mortgage the future to pay for the present, sooner or later the bill comes due. It arrived last year for the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA)...

Public Housing Revisited: Just Who Was Disrespecting Who?

How do you rationalize a responsible management position that impacts human lives and health when, thanks to an inadequate budget, you can't do your job either effectively or humanely? If,...

Affordable Housing Christmas In The Long Shadow of Scrooge

Communities across the US are crowding towards the mistletoe for a chilly smooch with uncle HUD,HUD — The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development celebrating the late Christmas...

What Is Remunicipalization? What Has It Got To Do With Affordable Housing?

If you're interested in affordable housing, we'd like to "water" down your experience for a few moments in service of one large word: remunicipalization. (You may need a sip...

‘Socialist’ An Insult Right Up There With ‘Yr Mother Wears Hockey Socks’

In America, aging red state populists are the last survivors of the good old Cold War days when anybody who was anybody checked daily for Reds under the beds. In...

Speaking The Unspeakable: New Public Housing In L.A.

#affordablehousing #affordablehomes Story, full photo&credit at

The PPP Era? Lost In Translation. Edinburgh Refocuses On Social Housing

Bad news for that Thatcherite conservative, small government fever-dream of arranged housing marriages. Those are the ones in which a sturdy, competent private groom lifts the bridal veil to...

In The UK, The West Midlands Combined Authority Redefines ‘Affordable Housing’

These days, the affordability of housing is defined in many places by the market value of the housing. For example, one range of housing cost, based on local markets,...

Truly Affordable: Time To Stop ‘Tinkering at the Housing Margins’

Two years ago, Homes For All published a report entitled Communities Over Commodities: People-Driven Alternatives to an Unjust Housing System. At the time American politics, particularly at the federal level, battled...

Evidence Public Housing Can Be Done Better, The Next Time Around

This post features a "good news" public housing story. It comes from Germany. We'll admit it right up front, part of the story is a little stale. It's about...

A 12-Step Program For Woke Housing-Crisis Nations, Courtesy Of Ireland

Much of the world, if not all, is addicted to housing, even to the point of declaring it a human right. It seems to be part the natural human...

A View Of Social Housing in Countries Where “Social” Is Not Repugnant

These days, not everyone in the world except Americans (the odd progressive aside), believe that social housing deserves to go belly up in a hand basket, or be otherwise...

Could Reviled Public Housing Beat Current National Affordability Programs?

Useful articles on the subject of public housing have been a rarity in mainstream American publications. "Not in our lifetime," has been a characterization of a date when the...

America’s Governments: Social Housing Needs You!

American government: point that urgent finger at yourselves. Your citizens need YOU to recreate a public housing program! Articles like the one linked below have been scarce to nonexistent in...

The Fuss About “Poor Doors”

Okay, we were as aghast as everybody else that "poor" doors had been installed in a publicly subsidized New York City building so that rich folks didn't need to...

UK Council Housing: Beginning Of The End? Or End Of The Beginning?

The future of council housing in England has changed considerably since 1981, when 32% of all of the country's households lived in it. At that time, the government had provided...

London Mayor: Private Enterprise Can’t Solve Affordable Housing Crisis

Faced with an affordable housing crisis in his city, the Mayor of London, UK, has pointed out the fatal flaw when it comes to using PPPs (Public Private Partnerships)...

America, Too, Please Note: London UK Mayor On the Value of Public Housing

The Mayor of London is himself an example of the benefits of public housing, largely abandoned as unworkable in America. He grew up in one, takes pride in the...

Your Affordable Home Is Falling Down. Sorry, It Can’t Be Fixed. You Have To Move. Not.

"But where will we go?" Scanning affordable housing stories worldwide, an article reports some unfortunate locale were residents are being evicted from social or public housing practically every day. Four constant...

NYC Mission Impossible? PPP That Builds True Affordable Housing. . . In Volume

Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have been a darling of neo-conservative "leave it to the private sector," thinking. Alas, when it comes to affordable housing in mixed income projects, they've...

Queuing For The Social Housing Ark. Who Gets In? Theory And Practice

As the flood of unaffordability sweeps across nations, humanity queues up (not necessarily two by two) for a chance to stay high and dry under social housing shelter. Not enough...

Ontario’s New Housing Plan Wallows in Happy-Clappy Possibilities, Few Promises

The Ontario Government has just announced its housing program. The principal strategies? Building more housing and selling government assets. There is also a sweeping announcement about possible changes to...

Public Housing Tenants, Private Landlords, HUD: A Circular Firing Squad Shooting Blanks?

Before World War II, America never had the political will to allow low-income employed persons to live in public housing. Unfortunately, by immediately turfing newly employed wage-earners out, the federal...

Spending Promised Funding For Social Rent Housing Depends On Access To Land

In recent years, the UK government has relentlessly pushed a public/private partnership model to build the nation out of an affordable housing crisis. As time goes by, the meagre handfuls...

Churning: A Preposterous Reinvention Of NYC Public Housing Problems

A recent article in CITYLAB features a pundit with a narrow vision of New York City's public housing problems: he feels there's just not enough churning. Churning? It's a rental...

Public Housing Failure: Who Is To Blame? A Seattle Microcosm Of That Question

While public (a.k.a social) housing has been extremely successful in some European nations, it survives and prospers against a small 'c' conservative attitude that financially poor tenants are both...

Aussies Target All Income Levels In Build-to-Rent Project Planted On A Land Trust

Tax credit and subsidized affordable housing projects need not be be solely based upon an ownership model. However, it seems that many developers would much prefer to avoid build-to-rent...

Non-Marriage Of Convenience: Affordable Housing For A Redefined Family

Partnership and family have long been a first stepping stone into adulthood, whether a formal or informal union, plus or minus children. But a conventional "Rush to Marriage" today no...

Project Towers Reboot: Let’s Dump The Bad Attitude

Consider the All-American Attitude towards Public Housing Project Towers. That's "All," as in pretty much all government, all political party, all public opinion. And that Attitude is? Surviving American Project...

Need A Million Houses? UK Labour Party Wants To Revive Social Housing In A Big Way.

With American conservatives pouring poison down the social housing well at a fearsome rate, the world — or at very least the North American continent — has been brainwashed...

Still Hope For Public Housing: Milwaukee’s Westlawn Gardens Renewal Wins National Award

According to free market conservatives, American public housing is dead. It was the victim of its socialist anti-free-enterprise roots and of the lower class inhabitants who, in fits of...

Four Kinds Of Affordable Housing That Can Work In A Democracy

Social housing has been largely abandoned by democracy. Or at least by those democracies that have participated most fervently in the East-West Cold War, where socialism became viewed in...

British PM On Unaffordable Housing: Land Bankers To Blame

In a recent speech committing to more British affordable housing, Prime Minister Theresa May was quick to find culprits everywhere, but not so much on her own doorstep. The...

Forward To The Past. Unaffordable Homes Push Salford Towards Council Housing.

What happens when the brave new affordable world of public/private partnerships meets only half the annual demand for affordable housing? What happens? It's obvious. The demand for affordable housing just...

Right Of First Refusal: Government Interference Or Affordable Housing Savior?

For all of its physically attractive qualities, gentrification of inner cities is becoming a barrier to affordable housing world-wide. In North America, government action is limited by 'hands off...

Social Housing In Britain: History

A nice little easy-read history of Social Housing in Britain from the BBC: A history of social housing

Social Housing Dignity From The Ground Up

The California Town of Santa Clarita is a world away from the 2017 social housing inferno that killed so many in London England. Grenfell Tower residents were ultimately victims of...

Brutalism: The Demise Of The High Rise Live-in Parking Garage?

Who knew that architecture could warp the mind, pollute the thinking, cause people to sink into poverty and condemn them to a life of crime? That seemed to be...