Cabrini-Green: The Frankenstein Monster of American Public Housing . . .Revisited

Ten years ago, the last building of Chicago's Cabrini-Green public housing project was torn down. During its lifetime, the 23 buildings housing more than 15,000 mostly black residents became a...

A View Of Social Housing in Countries Where “Social” Is Not Repugnant

These days, not everyone in the world except Americans (the odd progressive aside), believe that social housing deserves to go belly up in a hand basket, or be otherwise...

Born Again Social Housing? Is It Possible? Scotland’s Done It

America is where social housing went to die. Poisoned by the cold war that tarnished all things that remotely hinted of socialism or communism, social housing's slow death was,...

Aussie Public Housing History: One Architect’s Championing Of More For Less

An Australian article linked below appears at first glance to be a 'sweep nostalgia away' anti-heritage, anti-sentiment dismissal of older architecture threatened with redevelopment. However, it instead turns out be...

Ontario Pines For The Heady Affordable Housing Co-ops Of Yesteryear

Social housing has been one of the few affordable housing alternatives in many countries. We're talking truly affordable rental housing here, and we're talking the massive quantities necessary to...

The Sad Parable Of A San Francisco Teachers’ Slum

In truth, it was a teacher's slum that never was, but a sad parable nonetheless. These days, stories abound of middle class workers essential to a community who are less...

Happy 50th Birthday, Co-op City, NYC: Proving Project Housing Can Survive And Prosper

With dense living apparently the way of the future for modern cities, it's important to understand why it has in some cases proved itself unworthy. Communities of gentry in luxury...

How Can Architecture Bring Social Equity To Housing?

Amidst a growing affordable housing crisis, what does social equity actually mean? It's a slippery concept, though many would pursue it. Or at least they would pursue different ideas...

Broken Promise: The Art And Artifice Of A Social Housing ‘Failure’

Robin Hood Gardens is demolished now, making way for high-rise towers, and 5 times the amount of housing. Half of that will be 'affordable,' but not in a traditional...

Affordable Housing: Less Is More In Baltimore

Many private/public partnerships to build affordable housing do not pass the smell test with their handfuls of affordable houses or apartments in projects numbering hundreds of market rate or...