Arkansas Affordable Housing Trust Fund: A Funding Stream Not Optional But Essential
Like a majority of American States, Arkansas has created a Low Income Trust Fund to help it build affordable housing for those most in need.
Unlike a majority of American...
Developer Loses, Community Loses. A Cautionary Affordable Housing Tale From Charlotte, NC
From the Charlotte Explorer comes a small, sad story in the midst of a global housing crisis. It illustrates in a nutshell why 'community interest' housing cannot be pieced...
Free Market Land Leaseholds. Can They Work To Keep Owned Housing Affordable?
Owning a home on leased land? These days, most affordable housing discussions of this method of home ownership focus on community land trusts, where the home owner has a...
A Call For Creative Housing Solutions In Charleston Flat-Out Dismisses The Only One Which Ever Worked!
The Charleston, SC, author of an opinion piece on the need for imaginative housing solutions waxes nostalgic about his upbringing in a neighbourhood of purpose-built affordable housing.
In the midst...
American Exceptionalism Lives Proudly On, Building Habitat For Humanity Affordable Housing
Some pretty darned exceptional Americans have donated sweat equity to help form no less than thirty-four little communities of good spirit and good work in the company of other...
‘Affordable’ Expiry Dates: The Ticking Time Bomb Under US Affordable Homes
"Public-private partnerships can build American affordable housing more cheaply and more effectively than the failed 3/4 century experiment in public housing."
Is it possible that the above premise was on...
India->Trade Unions->Housing Co-ops->Thousands of Affordable Houses. Could It Happen Elsewhere?
India is the world's second most populous country and it is rapidly developing. Luxury houses are no longer just the palaces of a backward feudal state. Modern sub-developments and...
Sweat Equity: What is it? Who Uses it? What Does It Offer To Affordable Housing?
Sweat equity undoubtedly pre-dates currency. When there isn't any cash, you can pay with goods. When you have no goods to pay, you can pay with the sweat of...
Public Housing Failure: Who Is To Blame? A Seattle Microcosm Of That Question
While public (a.k.a social) housing has been extremely successful in some European nations, it survives and prospers against a small 'c' conservative attitude that financially poor tenants are both...
The Affordable Housing High Jump Dilemma: Lower the Bar, or Raise the Ground?
Hand-wringing about the rising cost of affordable housing is by far the most common way of identifying 'the target' of the affordable housing crisis.
But housing is almost always paid...
Public Banks: What Are They? What Might They Offer Affordable Housing?
Public banks — those are the ones that are open to the public, right?
Yes . . . and no. Although people may casually refer to a "public banking system,"...
Young, And Want To Climb Aboard The Housing Ladder? How Long Before You Reach The First Rung?
You know those big multi-storey fire escapes on old buildings? The ones where the last ladder has to be lowered to the ground from above?
If you're young and planning...
My Way Is The Highway: Toronto Renters & Buyers Losing Faith With Government, Consider Heading For The Hills
In all housing matters affordable, Toronto has disappointed in recent years. The City has an affordable housing office that has studied the city's housing problem while churning out reports...
Hats Off To An Affordable Housing Builder Who Can’t Solve The Affordable Housing Crisis
We'll leave our hat on first, an unusual act of mourning for the wreck of the USS Public Housing, driven quite deliberately onto the rocks. Conceived and capitalized as...
Collingwood Plans Dorms For The Bums In The New Wilderness: Unaffordability
Industry operating in remote communities inevitably take responsibility for providing employee accommodation. But in tourist towns of Southern Georgian Bay? Really?
The sad truth is that affordable housing is in...
Tempe AZ Squanders Affordable Housing To Coddle Wealthy Students
Let's place our housing future in the hands of private enterprise, shall we? Let's all live in a housing industry's pipe dream of what homeowners truly want and deserve.
Unaffordable Housing? Some Other Dude Did It. Guilty Fingerpointing From The Housing Market
Public transit takes the fall in an awkward, defensive article about the housing market in Toronto by one of Canada's top business newspapers.
Toronto, for many years overly-conscious of becoming a...
Triumph Of The Housing Also-Rans: Proving Private Enterprise Can Do Affordable
"Business done by government is invariably mediocre, inefficient and wasteful." That's the message of political touts for private-enterprise affordable housing. "Financiers, developers and the construction industry can run rings...
Stubborn Persistence Wins Support For Self-Help Housing In California
When finished, 41 households in Patterson, California, will move into affordable homes that they will help to build. Self-Help Enterprises is the sponsor of the project. The US Department...
America Has A Bogeymen Under The Bed: Social Housing. Austria Sure Doesn’t!
However 'winning' the Cold War benefited America, reflections on the history of this period are gradually exposing costs incurred by the stoking of public fear.
Today, a new generation of...
Sydney, Australia, Wants Affordable Housing Cake While Eating It
In an era when a global housing crisis demands leadership from national government, it seems reasonable to expect that local government would be one hundred and ten percent onside,...
Risky Lending Practices In India: Deja Vu All Over Again?
Recent house financing developments in India make a case for looking beyond a country's borders when looking for best practices for financing and constructing affordable housing.
Risky lending practices, buying,...
The Affordable Housing Dilemma: The Irresistible Force IS The Immovable Object
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Modern free-market capitalist-based society fervently wishes the answer to be two: the angel of affordable housing, and the...
The Affordable Housing Blues . . . or Cheap Housing: Crabgrass On The Manicured Lawn Of Human Desire
Don't gimme shelter. Gimme neighborhood slow-taxiing housing values finally lifting off the runway into the free market stratosphere, dragging my house along with with them.
I'm stuck in a down-market,...
Amazon’s Boot On Seattle’s Neck Tells All You Need To Know About Public/Private Partnerships
Amazon, currently ranked the third most valuable company in the world, will not find the dollars to show leadership in a civic, state, national and world affordable housing crisis....
American Cities Need Public Banks That Make Local Investments Where Private Banks Won’t
Community activists in New York City are pushing for the establishment of community-oriented banks that can be counted on the reinvest a community's financial resources into local endeavours, such...
Right-To-Buy Program At Risk. Well Duh! What Would You Expect, If Only 1/3 Selling Price Stays in Housing.
So the brilliant Margaret Thatcher era scheme to buy your UK council rental home is unravelling.
Really, it only ever could unravel. With only a third of the sale price...
How Library Systems Can Help Address Affordable Housing Crises
Increasing density seems the only option for building affordable housing in the downtown core of many cities. Even smaller homes in higher towers may only temporarily be affordable, if...
UK Affordable Housing Viability Assessments: Can Developers Abuse The Privilege?
What happens when a UK developer, eager for a housing contract that includes a fat government subsidy, deliberately ignores the true cost of the housing and paints a too-rosy...
Seattle Business Tax Angers Amazon To No Purpose Without ‘Up-Zoning’
Seattle, with the third largest homeless population in the country, can be excused for generating money for affordable housing construction by levying a tax on big business. Amazon, one...
A Growing Case For Big Government: Corporations Preach Survival Of The Fittest
On one hand, we have a world-wide casino that uses the basic need for shelter for gambling chips — housing. The result in America? According to an admittedly self-interested...
United Kingdom Civic Housebuilding – History Shows How To Build
Shelter, a UK based charity, published New Civic Housebuilding 2017 to present an approach to building affordable housing using successful strategies from the past. The report argues that developing...
Public/Private Partnerships, Formal or Informal? Amazon Teaches Us Why Not
Further to an article recently published here, Can Private Enterprise Ever Support Affordable Housing? Amazon Action Demonstrates Otherwise, the City of Seattle has now watered down its affordable housing...
Yes, Corporations Focus On Their Bottom Line, Maui Edition
The story: In 2001, Maui development company got fast-tracked planning permission, concessions on parking and other benefits, together with the equivalent of fifteen+ million dollars to build an housing...
Public/Private Partnerships: Where Affordable Housing Goes To Die
Governments currently in power the United States and Britain have been dismantling social housing in favour of a starry-eyed vision: a publicly financed affordable housing vehicle with a high...
Top UK Housing Developer: Public / Private Affordable Funding Is Crazy!
A nationally respected housing developer has decided to tell it like it is: the huge financial burden of affordable social housing cannot be born alone by one business sector...
Affordable? The Private Market And Public Intervention Conundrum
So you'd like to think your country might one day have enough affordable housing? Think about it as a drug for a social disease which could be called Shelter-itis.
World’s Third Largest Builder Plans Affordable Housing On A Crisis Scale: Huge!
Builders in western countries cry poor when it comes to building affordable housing. Without public support, the gap between development costs and reasonable profit margins are too great. Low...
The ‘Missing Middle’: Solving The Workforce Affordable Housing Riddle
There are circumstances in which it is easy to pity the 'missing middle.' The term 'workforce housing' is increasingly used to describe accommodation for those above-minimum wage workers in...
Ply Gem Attacks The Affordable Housing Crisis One Door And Window At A Time
Ply Gem? A small town in Wales, we guessed when we first saw the name.
Nope. It's a manufacturer and supplier of exterior housing materials based in Wake, North Carolina....
How Adjusting HUD’s New Raise-The-Rent Proposal For The Very Poorest Could Work
In America, public housing history helps to bridge the gap between 'don't be cruel to the very poorest' (accompanied by conservative eye rolling) and 'help the poor lift themselves...
Can Private Enterprise Ever Support Affordable Housing? Amazon Action Demonstrates Otherwise
Amazon, based in Seattle, Washington, and a seismic presence in that city, has taken issue with a new Seattle business tax. Naturally, that tax will cost one of the richest companies...
Social Housing In Three Nations: Three Recent Government Attitudes on Display
From the left: The United Kingdom
At least some people in Britain, including those who vote labour, are looking forward to leader Jeremy Corbyn's regular promises of 1,000,000 new units of...
As American Poor Are Pushed Out To Suburbs, Mumbai Commits To Affordable City Core
The flight of poverty in American cities has been towards the suburbs. Downtown affordable housing has evaporated in the face in urban renewal and gentrification. This has largely been...
Wealthy, Isolated Whistler, BC Implements PLIMBY (Please, In My Back Yard)
Someone wants to build affordable housing in Whistler? There will be no NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) here. NIMBY doesn't work when there is only your back yard....
Joliet’s Affordable House: Microcosm Of A Mega-Problem
Hats off to a number of well-meaning citizens, bureaucrats and politicians in Joliet, Illinois. Not so much praise to those carping and foot-dragging, as well as suggesting the money...
Need A Million Houses? UK Labour Party Wants To Revive Social Housing In A Big Way.
With American conservatives pouring poison down the social housing well at a fearsome rate, the world — or at very least the North American continent — has been brainwashed...
Ways To Kill Affordable Housing Action: Florida Trust Fund Looting
Central Florida, once an inexpensive to place to live, has seen a dramatic drop in housing affordability. Fortunately in 1992, a bipartisan bill was passed in the Florida Legislature:...
Get High For Affordable Housing!
With housing speculation a sacred right in western democracies, only the total collapse of the land and housing market can ensure the future return of affordable housing. That event,...
Viability Assessments: Are Artful Dodgers Facing A Comeuppance?
In the United Kingdom, affordable housing has been redefined to be anything up to 80% of market value. That makes the war on affordable housing 'a complete red herring'...
Master Leasing Seeks To Provide Social Housing Affordability At Market Rate Returns for Landlords
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce in North Carolina is not impressed with the lengthy time it takes to deliver a mere trickle of affordable housing for purchase. And...
Middle Income Unaffordable Housing: All About Need? Or All About Choice?
Middle class families in New York City may qualify for affordable housing while making as much as $180,000 a year in income. The affordable houses for which they window...
Subsidize Affordability By A ‘Flipping’ Tax? Somerville Argues The Pros & Cons
It's abundantly clear that a national speculative housing markets are pushing housing prices beyond affordability in many countries. There is little real reason for any hope that housing prices...
Denver Drops Affordable Housing Oversight, Belatedly Discovers That Buyers And Sellers May Cheat
Business managers, bureaucrats, civil servants and politicians seem quite capable of supervising the development of massive housing projects, and are able to factor in all kinds of long-term expenses,...
“A Corrupt Scam”: Conservative Think Tank Disses Low Income Housing Tax Credits
America's affordable housing crisis rapidly worsens. One of the key government supports for affordable housing since 1986 has been the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). It is estimated that...
Speculation Tax: Life Ring For Affordable Housing Or Back Stab To Free Market Democracy?
A pillar of North American democracy (from a conservative viewpoint at least) is the right to speculate on housing. It has supposedly enriched homeowners of all stripes since World...
‘Real’ Affordable Housing: Are NGOs, Charities And Non-Profits Our Only Hope?
There once was, and still is, a universal standard of housing affordability that is recognized world-wide. If you yourself (no, not your average community member, just you) can rent...
Unholy Partnership Of ‘NIMBY + Environmental Review’ Proves Toxic To Speedy Affordable Housing Development
Developers and Local Government alike are fond of blaming each other for lengthy delays in the planning of housing projects. In the United Kingdom, a Government draft proposal is...
Use It Or Lose It: Affordable Housing By Compulsory Purchase Order
Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) emerged from a British 17th century need to assemble land in order to create canals. In the 19th century they were used the same way...
Tens of Thousands Stew In Sydney Affordable Housing Queue While Governments Squabble by Tens
In 2014, when the Australian government sold 293 properties of public housing in Sydney’s harbour area, it promised to build 1,500 new affordable housing units. At the time, there...
Still Hope For Public Housing: Milwaukee’s Westlawn Gardens Renewal Wins National Award
According to free market conservatives, American public housing is dead. It was the victim of its socialist anti-free-enterprise roots and of the lower class inhabitants who, in fits of...
Housing Future? 24 Market Rate/2 Affordable In Richmond, VA, or 2 Market Rate/92 Affordable In Oakland, CA?
With affordable housing demand far outstripping supply, what are we to make of government affordable housing incentives that produce stories like the following? "Developers in Richmond, VA are excited...
Miracles of Modern Affordable Development: 2 buyers + 1 home = 2x cheaper!
Corporate developers (are there any other kind?) pledge allegiance to shareholders, not fellow citizens. They are compelled to maximize profits and minimize losses. If involved in a public/private partnership...
Builder Mag Dishes On Who’s Who Affordability-Wise
From Builder, a magazine catering to the building industry, a recent article purports to provide THE REAL DATA ON ENTRY-LEVEL HOME BUYING AFFORDABILITY (link below).
For affordable housing advocates, one might...
Miami Schools: A ‘Company Town’ Solution For Unaffordable Housing?
Lack of affordable housing has always been a straightforward problem for 'company towns.' Almost always built in support of resource-based industries such as mining or pulp and paper mills,...
Low Income Housing Tax Credit: Freddie Mac Analysis — Good Reason To Shoot The Messenger?
Hold onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen, this one's an absolute stunner! Freddie Mac, the quasi-government financial agency which helped to lurch America into the 2008 Housing meltdown then...
Trust Your Affordable Housing, If You Can’t Trust National Government To Keep It
Why does Lawford Village, Essex, need a housing trust? The answer begins with a proposed Labour government policy in 1959, one that would enshrine local council tenants the Right...
Dollars To Help Affordable Housing Buyers: Does It Quell The Flames, Or Pour Gas On The Fire?
Financial assistance for home buyers can come in several forms. On the surface, government cash handouts or tax relief strongly appear to make housing more affordable. But those with...
Social Housing At War With Private/ ‘Affordable’: A View From Trenches
The Battle of social housing is all but lost in North America. One by one the remaining project towers fall, ill-advised 'socialist' political tendencies sharing the blame with drug-addicted,...
Good Will Renting
With so many people hanging on for dear life to necessities such as food, health care and housing, its easy to suppose that everyone does it with the same...
Affordable Housing: Less Is More In Baltimore
Many private/public partnerships to build affordable housing do not pass the smell test with their handfuls of affordable houses or apartments in projects numbering hundreds of market rate or...
City Fees for Affordable Housing: Crisis Fix, Or Crisis Distraction?
School Fees, hospital fees, sewer fees, sidewalk fees: with limited options for funding to pay for new housing development infrastructure, American cities have turned to the revenue they can...
Democrats Squeeze LIHTC Spending Increase Into Omnibus Congress Spending Plan
U.S. affordable housing advocates have been nervously awaiting cuts to federal funding for affordable housing, thanks to several measures introduced in the new Tax Reform Bill passed in 2017.
British PM On Unaffordable Housing: Land Bankers To Blame
In a recent speech committing to more British affordable housing, Prime Minister Theresa May was quick to find culprits everywhere, but not so much on her own doorstep. The...
Affordable Housing Rents are Affordable, Not Free. So Why Don’t They Cover Repairs?
In a recent article, the Mayor of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island echoed a funding frustration that many lower level governments and non-governmental organizations face. Governments at all levels tend...
NJ Affordable Housing Horse-Trading Is Snookered By Judge
New Jersey towns and cities have had a long history of trying very hard to wriggle out of affordable housing responsibilities, so hard in fact that the courts have...
Dying For Attention: A Seattle Business Tax To Fight Homelessness
During recent Progressive Revenue Task Force public testimony, a homeless participant stopped breathing. Following many tense moments and an ambulance to hospital, his replacement explained that the recovering victim suffered...
Loudon County And The Rise Of ‘Please, In My Back Yard’
Not NIMBY, but PLIMBY. Please in My Back Yard is becoming a social concern for the simple reason that the 'sense of unreasonable entitlement' underclass is growing beyond the...
Ottawa Homelessness: Bailing An Ocean, One Small, Futile Policy Step At A Time
Everyone knows you can't bail out a sea. And yet, when it comes to homelessness, city councils behave like children on a beach staring at the water with a...
Private/Public Partnerships: Were They Always Just A Scam?
Darling of conservative "do it with the private sector" thinking, affordable housing private/public partnerships are now revealing just who gets 'done.' Hint: its not the developers.
Sure, developers are grumbling...
US Federal Tax Cuts Put the Squeeze on Affordable Housing Funding
The recent great tax giveaway by President Trump and the Republican Party has provided long term delight for the wealthy. An insubstantial windfall will blow very gently in the...
Affordable Housing=Tax Breaks+Multiple-Funders+Partnerships + . . .Oh, Screw It! Just Build More!
That's what Tokyo has done for the last ten years — build more housing. What counts for more in a city as huge as Tokyo? Say around 100,000 units...
Bottomless Sinkhole Drains Affordable Houses From UK Public/Private Partnerships
It seems that the bloom is off the rose in the United Kingdom, as local councils confront the loophole built into the nation's public/private partnership initiative to fund and...
An American Public Housing Project: Failure Of Humanity? Or Failure Of Housing?
The great American public housing projects have failed. They became lawless, violent, unliveable. The great unanswered question: did the needy, with their brutish, immoral, uncivilized and criminal ways, cause...
Frank Gehry: Almost An Affordable Housing Prophet In His Own Country
Skeptical neighbours of a man hailed as "the greatest architect of our time" put Frank Gehry once again through the NIMBY wringer. He was promoting a revised Santa Monica urban...
Forward To The Past. Unaffordable Homes Push Salford Towards Council Housing.
What happens when the brave new affordable world of public/private partnerships meets only half the annual demand for affordable housing?
What happens? It's obvious. The demand for affordable housing just...
You Can Control What is Yours. Communities Seeking Affordable Housing Consider Community Ownership.
Municipal handwringing would appear to be the sole, and all-too-frequent, response to privately-developed affordable housing that doesn't quite deliver on its promise. One example: a widespread tendency under new...
Non-Profit Eyes Bigger Than Stomach: A Recipe For Rapid Housing Decay?
When building affordable housing, non-profits need to be wary of misguided, even false, messaging from governments that have failed at the task. In North America, the decline of large...
Slum Or Affordable Housing Resource? Two Lenses View An Inner City
More and more growing cities are facing an affordable housing crisis brought on by gentrification — accommodating their population expansion by renovating or replacing poorer quality urban houses. The...
Right Of First Refusal: Government Interference Or Affordable Housing Savior?
For all of its physically attractive qualities, gentrification of inner cities is becoming a barrier to affordable housing world-wide. In North America, government action is limited by 'hands off...
You Can Be A Big Time Real Estate Developer. And You Don’t Need To Get Rich!
Are you friendly and outgoing? Shrewd, with a head for financial details and nose for business? Driven and hard-working? A team player with management skills necessary to effectively harness...
Home Builders’ Solution: Higher Wages Can Make Our Products Affordable
A series of economic miracles that definitely do not depend on government interference is apparently due to occur. It will benefit young people as well as seniors with little...
The Repeal Of Net Neutrality: Communications Disaster Or Potential Benefit For Affordable Housing?
America's repeal of net neutrality has been greeted by much handwringing, and the spectre of giant telecom companies upping prices and limiting options for customers.
But there is another way...
Struggling Against The Public Seed Money Cop Out
A story from a local Massachusetts paper illustrates the uphill battle against a long held government mindset: the best projects to fund are seed-money projects: those that grow wings...
“Archvillains” Of The 2008 US Credit Crisis Now Permitted To Play In The Affordable Housing Market
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, two US Congress-chartered GSE's (Government Sponsored Enterprises) have been blamed by many for causing the 2008 US credit crisis that brought the housing industry to...
3.5 Million People With A Brighter Housing Future, Thanks To Habitat For Humanity
With its fundraising skills and huge volunteer pool, Habitat for Humanity has become a powerhouse charity in the construction of affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity published its Annual Report...
Problem: Unaffordable Big Cities. Solution? New Big Cities
As long as speculation and investment are allowed to drive up housing prices in major cities everywhere, those in search of affordable housing may have only one sensible solution:...
Health Care Payers Begin Treating Ill-heath By Transitioning Clients To Affordable Housing
There has long been a reluctance to recognize housing as an important social determinant of health. Accepting the idea means facing the challenge of finding affordable housing for those...
Singapore’s Million Dollar Affordable Housing: A Public/Private Partnership Future?
A recent development by Singapore's public Housing and Development Board suggests an alarming future for public/private partnerships in countries who may be helping the needy to find affordable housing...
The State Seizes Your House. Public good? Or Middle-class Land Grab Conspiracy
Is American eminent domain a sinister weakness of public-private partnerships?
Imagine that you own a small, old family dwelling in a downtown neighbourhood that has seen better days. A young...