Dear! Dear! Breaking Dreams With Canada’s Financialized Housing
Dear! Dear! Using the British term for "expensive" (= ''dear") puts a finger upon Canada's current and growing housing crisis. Not that we're alone in this matter. "The Canadian...
Housing Dead Weight? Habitat For Humanity Struggles
In 2019, reported that Habitat For Humanity's highly successful housing ownership program was being threatened in California. A major problem was the high cost of housing in that...
Home Sweet Fantasy: House $$ Unreachable As Income Outpaced
Unaffordable housing has become a public concern worldwide. These days an owner and/or rental landlord is almost certainly interested in the modern cleverness of investing in housing. That investment...
Encampments In Canada And A Path Forward
Tent encampments are a visual reminder of homelessness. They are hard for us to look at. Some see the people living there are failures. Others don't want to look...
How Gardening Helps To Grow Houses In The US
It's gardening season in the northern hemisphere. In Pottstown, Pennsylvania, Mosaic Community Land Trust is hosting community garden plots on four lots in the city.
Here are a few features...
A Shared Home Ownership Option For Unrelated Adults In The United States
Two unrelated people buying a house is becoming more common, not only in EuropeTry: Not Married But Need To Share A House? Verantwortungsgemeinschaften! , but also the United States.
Sacrificing To Afford Housing. Really? Sacrificing? You Better Believe it!
The American Dream may well be anchored in your very own pot of gold that supports your Housing Ladder, offering you wealth and prosperity. Turns out, however, that earning...
Are Women High Risk Homebuyers?
Bankrate has published a longish article about the barriers that face women who want to buy a home in the United States.
Until 1900, women were not considered to be...
Pressing Forward With Shared-Equity Housing In The United States
People who follow affordable housing issues in the United States will be familiar with the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). It launched in 1986. By 2024, LIHTC had...
Does Compact Middle Class Housing Threaten More And More Unhoused?
The New York Times, which is paywalled, offers up a witty headline: The Great Compression.
The headline is a 21st century take on The Great Depression, which refers to the...
In A Sea Of Costly Housing, Amsterdam Encourages ‘Paddle Your Own Canoe’
Hard to forget my lawyer-father's most successful DIY (Do It Yourself) project — a wired and lightbulbed flat biscuit tin. Most first time viewers to choked back their laughter....
Welcome To Our City! Here’s Your Eviction Notice
A first year teacher who is Black moved to a new city to start his teaching career. During the first month of his tenancy, he was evicted by his...
Tenants’ Opportunity To Purchase In Washington D.C. Goes Under The Microscope
The Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) in Washington D.C. has been in place for more than 40 years. Until now no one has evaluated TOPA against its objectives....
Just A Jingle Or Two Of Your UK Purse Will Buy You A Home! Really!?
Hey, would-be home buyers worldwide, not to mention those renters who are impoverished by helping 'buy-to-rent' landlords pay off their third or fourth home!
This post is for you.
How 'with...
UK Social Housing, Not Ownership, Can End Private Rental Profiteering
Not all that long ago, renting a home on the free market was the essential penny-saving survival means in the UK. It was once cheaper and more readily available...
Better Bang For Your Buck From Renting? American Homeowner Dream Heresy!
Attention Denizens of Legendary Dogpatch, USA! Which of America's Biggest and Best Cities might entice you to buy in to the American Home Ownership Dream?
If you are actually American,...
Do Governments Mistakenly Support A Fantasy: That Voters Believe All Should Own Housing?
It was in a Toronto Fitness Centre locker room that a local University prof spilled the ugly beans to about citizen self-protective(?) behaviour.
"Immigrants are only pro-immigration until they...
Margaret Thatcher: Social Housing Assassin? A Personal View From Lived Experience
The decline of United Kingdom social housing? How best to inspire a reader on the subject?
As an historical treatise, step by stumble through a succession of right...
Film Celebrates How Determined Housing Activists Triumphed Against New York City
Would you take on one of the world's most powerful mayors of one of the world's most powerful city councils, while it played ball with powerful building developers dead...
Rejuvenating The Housing-Rich Political Right? UK Evidence Suggests It Might Be Unlikely
It seems there's a price for hogging the 'housing ladder.' Countries such as Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand have received decades of political support for their...
Build A House Yourself: Unearthing The History Of Sears’ Home Kits
"Order for overnight delivery," says a contemporary on-line shopping site. It's a popular way to make purchases these days. It's also a revival, at least in the United States.
Is Singapore’s Wildly Successful Public Housing Gradually Becoming Outdated/Unaffordable?
If you've been following our posts, you'll know that we've behaved a little like breathless enthusiasts about an emerging activist housing philosophy. North America is seeing currently fashionable proposals...
To Hell With Home Ownership, You Government Touts! Help Give Us A Break On Renting
Then there's the brother-in-law, needing to replace an old porch door. Alas, it's old enough to be a non-standard size and so needs to be custom-ordered, skyrocketing the cost....
New York City Suburbs To Become A Hotbed Of New Public Housing?
The financialization of housing is raising the cost of human shelter worldwide, leading to similar problems in many countries, with growing populations being priced out of housing altogether and...
Community Land Trusts – A Route To Permanent And Deeply Affordable Housing
When it comes to adding housing that will be deeply affordable housing and permanent, community land trusts are in a good position to step up. When a community land...
Residual Land Value And Why It Matters
Today's first postTry: Ontario's Government: Fix Supply To End The Housing Crisis. Have They Backed The Winning Horse? talked about plans to unlock housing supply in Ontario. It explores...
Save Affordable Housing From the Free Market? Houston Had A Vision. It’s Blurring
The problem is obvious. The tentacles of profit-earning capitalism are enmeshed in the buying and selling of homes. These days, everyone wants to buy and sell housing. That includes...
The National Dream Parade of Housing Emperors: Becoming A Truly Naked Ambition
With the advent of the 50 year housing mortgage in the United Kingdom, housing wealth can be 'rented' from a bank or mortgage company, costing for many a lifetime...
Tools For Housing Stability In A Hot Real Estate Market
The United Way of Greater Toronto has recently issued a report called Building Inclusive Communities: Learning from Programs and Policies that Work. Much of Canada's population growth in the...
Gregory Ain, FBI-Hounded Architect With The Fairest Visions Of America
Gregory Ain wanted to build social housing in Los Angeles. During a lengthy, illustrious career he won a Guggenheim grant to research small, inexpensive, single family homes. Ultimately, the...
How Inflation Contributes To Canada’s Housing Crisis
Putting 'celebrating' and 'stalling housing prices' in the same phrase will probably ensure that people read at least a few pages of Generation Squeeze's new report: Celebrating Stalling Prices...
Can An Architectural Tail-Tip Wag A Housing Financialization Dog?
Fooled us with that name, didn't they? We were expecting a rabbit pulled from a hat and have instead latched on to a group of Canadian architects, designers and...
COVID Responses Deepen Our Understanding Of The Housing-Health Connection
The connection between housing and health came late to the table when researchers began studying the social determinants of healthTry: Connecting The Housing And Health Dots . Researchers have...
A Collection Of Thoughts: Why The US Rental Housing Market Sucks
The article linked below actually sets out with a more ambitious agenda than 'a collection of thoughts.' It considers Why the rental housing market is so deeply broken. As...
Missing The Mark On Making Homes More Affordable In The United Kingdom
Liz Truss is one of the candidates to become the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. She really doesn't like housing targetsAs posted on Twitter: Liz Truss: ‘I’ll...
Large UK Lender Stops Lending For Second Homes – Is This A Big Deal?
The Leeds Building SocietyBuilding societies are member-owned financial institutions. When you make a deposit with the Building Society, you become a member. They offer banking and related financial services,...
Trailer Park Folks Been Loving That Living Forever. Academics Just Caught Up
Many more U.S. folks live in mobile homes ("manufactured homes" if you want to be snobbish about them) than receive federal housing assistance (e.g. public housing and housing choice...
Housing => Wealth: But China’s Home Prosperity Bootstraps Are Breaking
Is ever-build, free-market, middle-class housing the sacred cow of modern western civilization? Follow housing news in a variety of nations and expect to be told what a large and...
Singapore: Millionaire Trouble In Public/Social Housing Paradise
With new 'social' housing prayers currently a-murmur across America, we report, with great regret, that an important patron saint of that movement is, if far from dead, doing poorly.
UK Youth: Pogo Got The Housing Crisis Right. It’s Our Fault!
Revered by a generation in North America, that comic book anti-hero some 50 years ago predicted the alleged culprit causing the current United Kingdom housing affordability crisis — at...
And Now For Something Completely Different: Affordability Via Free Land
Here's an idea sprung from the cramped (relatively) European countryside that might perfectly suit the wide-open spaces in countries such as the USA, Argentina, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
United Kingdom ‘Right To Buy’: Coming To A Country Near You?
The UK's under-siege Prime Minister Boris Johnson is currently attempting to polish his extremely grubby conservative credentials by expanding England's Right To Buy program to residents of the region's...
Why You Are Sliding Towards A Home With An Open Air Roof
Leftie, bleeding heart publications such as ourselves just know that the globe's problems, like homelessness, arise from rampant, unrepentant financializers who profit on the backs of the little guys.
NYC: Still Plenty Of Life In Those Habitat For Humanity Bones
We've been worried about Habitat for Humanity. Without doubt it has long been recognized as a credible housing charity for hands-on delivery of truly affordable housing.
Habitat has over the...
Finding Housing Opportunities In Daily Life
Winning a lottery is undeniably an opportunity. The sudden change in circumstances comes with its own consequences, not all of them good. As well, most people don't win lotteries....
Community Land Trust Purchases 40-Unit Building With NO Public Funding
The San Francisco Community Land Trust recently purchased a 40 unit apartment building, which will operate as a housing co-operative providing permanently affordable housing.
The purchase is significant because it...
2008 Housing Crisis? Canada Sailed Above It. Too Bad.
What if Canadian homeowners had suffered the same calamities of the 2008 mortgage meltdown as Americans? Many homeowners in other nations also suffered. Canada largely crested the waves of...
Love Singapore Housing But Can’t Get There From Here. . . Or Maybe We Can
Much of the world is mightily taken with Singapore's victory in creating a workable social housing scheme with home ownership as its objective. It has been so fulfilling that...
“Advanced Nation” Housing Policy: If It Doesn’t Work, Patch It. Can We Do Better?
Current housing policy frameworks in many westernized countries resemble hospitals stocked exclusively with multi-coloured bandaids. Last week's solution is now this week's problem? Rip off the old plaster. Stick...
The Kiwi Housing Game: Slippery Rental Snakes And Greased Ownership Ladders
Who can afford affordable housing? KiwibuildTry: New Zealand’s Kiwibuild ‘Affordable’ Housing Stumbles Out Of The Starting Gate was initiated in New Zealand as an ambitious affordable housing program.
It came...
Secure, Fulfilling Life As a Renter: Is It possible In Put Country Name Here ?
A lengthy article from Australia's ABC News poses the question asked in the title above. Can rental housing deliver both a happy, fulfilling lifestyle and housing security?
Surely a national...
Crippling Real Estate Frenzy, Australian Version Of A Worldwide Problem
A news item about rising housing prices from Australia caught our eye. The reporter, Stephen Long, begins with a discussion of the rise in value of a home owned...
Whoa! English Pensioners Face Impossibility Of Having Housing Cake And Eating It
Mortgage calculators abound for computing the cost of that so-called "National Dream": home ownership. For example, choose a 3% mortgage rate. Inherit, beg, borrow, steal, or work at a...
Baltimore Evidence That Land Trusts Are Coming Of Age
In the grand scheme of lower housing prices, Community Land Trusts (CLTs) have in America largely been exotic animals worthy of further study, rather than tried and true pack...
Public Housing Futures: Transitional Or Transformative?
Here are two visions of public housing:
An attractive, secure, affordable lifelong home for "workers," first promoted in the U.S. at the dawn of American public housing by the...
A Year For Celebrating Historic Social Housing Firsts?
There are some perennially familiar annual record breakers:
World's most expensive city in which to live: Hong Kong
World's most crowded city in which to live: Hong Kong . . ....
Climate Change And The Pandemic Drive Interest In Land Trusts and Co-operatives
News from Reuters appeared recently about low cost housing co-operatives in Thailand, which have been supported by the Thai government since 2003.
As a consequence of climate change, more and...
2008 Housing Meltdown: Lessons for The Land-Grabbing Little Guy
Since the world is largely full of losers, with mere handfuls of winners (think Olympics) chances are as you read this that, although you do not carry a card...
California Legislates To Support Land Trusts
A story from Next City reports on two pieces of legislation recently passed in California. They are intended to assist community based non-profit agencies buy housing. The first requires...
Housing Equity: The Potential Of Community Land Trusts
Shelterforce, which supports community development initiatives across the United States, is running a series about community land trusts.
The series includes an entry level article that explains what community land...
Understanding Racial and Spatial Inequity In The Housing Market
The Urban Institute has just released Who Owns The Twin Cities, which analyses residential ownership patterns in Minnesota's Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul). These communities have the largest...
More Aging NZ Homeowners Looking Towards Public Housing. Why?
One in three New Zealand councils are looking to pry elusive rent subsidies dollars from the federal government in order to build social housing. The demand for social (or...
Vancouver, B.C. As A Public Landlord: One Hat in a Two-Hatted City?
The City of Vancouver, BC has, as a responsible landlord, found itself going head to head with the authority tasked with extracting the most profitable solutions for the development...
Oopsy, Homeless: Covid Frontline Workers Give The Lie To Meritocracy
Lurking in the depths of conservative thought, the idea of a meritocracy is never far from the surface, at the very least as a convenient excuse for inaction. Merit-based...
COVID Housing Recovery in NYC: Non-Profits & Co-ops To The Rescue?
Post-pandemic turmoil in the housing market of America's largest city? Laissez-faire. Leave it be. Let the private sector, master of all housing matters, perform any needed recovery.
. . ....
What If New Public Housing In America Could Be Owned, Not Rented?
Shelterforce is an American publication promoting community activism in a number of areas, particularly housing. In a recent article, it poses the "what if" question framed in the headline...
Can You Have A Million Dollar Public Housing Cake And Eat it Too? Singapore Wonders
European nations such as Denmark and Austria have done very well by housing large portions of their population in social housing. Nowhere, however, has the public housing been such...
UK Public Housing? PPP Fails. Let’s Try PCP Based On CLTs
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), given free rein for several decades, now clearly define how they can serve a particular set of needs — where the term "Public" stands for...
A Land Trust For Rooming Houses
Toronto's Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust is buying properties in a rapidly gentrifying neighbourhood with the goal of making sure that homes are available to people with very low incomes.
Reasons To Be Wary Of Home Ownership
Yes, there are people who wonder whether home ownership is all it's cracked up to be. This intriguing point of view diverges substantially from the idea that everyone should...
How UK Housing Assistance Creates Ugly, Dodgy Investments
A recent article in The Guardian forms a basis for our headline. That article connects financial incentives for first time buyers to a plague of ugly, shoddy new build multi-unit...
So You Think It’s Tough To Rent In Your City? What About . . . ?
As cities cores become higher, denser, and more gentrified, the American dream is changing shape. What was once the lure of a single family home on a private lot...
Looking For Affordability? Try Success. Go North, Young Dreamer
Affordable can homes be realized from lower prices, but also higher income. Advice to young Americans once counselled to 'Go West" to make their fortune? These days, you might be better off going north.
Low Density City Neighbourhoods Fingered as World Economic Nightmares
From a worldview of a gang of teenagers trying to break a record for the number who will fit into a car (and haven't noticed they're parked too close...
Co-Ownership: Pride Cometh Before The Fall
Apologies for the doom-laden headline, but there's seldom a chance to use a pithy poetic-sounding phrase, particularly one that containeth that sophisticated 'eth' sound. After all, a sleazy single...
Tenancy In Common: Why is It Affordable, And Some Might Say, Detestable?
Tenancy In Common? Well, first we need to make liars out of ourselves by admitting that it's not really affordable, at least not so far as is concerned....
Housing Has Always Been A Commodity, So What’s The Big New Deal?
Currently there's a great deal of hand-wringing about the 'commodification' of housing, in particular its link to exploding housing prices and to blossoming housing crises everywhere. Some go so...
Repairs R Us: Habitat For Humanity Diversifies Onward
In the free markets of today's democracies, housing is an investment, not a human right. To build housing in this commodified environment is to pursue profit, not to reaffirm...
‘The Soo’ City Councillor Hammers Home Affordable Refurbishing Scheme.
Can't get elected as a city councillor in The Soo?The Soo is the nickname of Sault (pronounced 'Soo') Ste. Marie in the province of Ontario If you're a carpenter...
Habitat For Humanity Breaks New Trail In Kamloops British Columbia
Habitat for Humanity, arguably one of the most respected and successful affordable house building charities in the world, is undergoing a sea change.
Even with its ability to mobilize construction...
How Affordable Housing Might Add Substance To Talk of Segregation Reparations
Democratic candidates for the U.S. federal elections in 2020 have broached the subject of reparations for the continued mistreatment of black Americans that followed emancipation. So far, while there...
Inter-Governmental Wrangling: A True Menace To Affordable Housing?
From the Right: eliminate onerous government regulations and the free market will build us all out of affordable housing crises, providing the necessary housing for ownership by the "workforce,"...
Housing Literally Under Water Might Burst A Housing Bubble, Trigger Recession
The housing market collapsed in 2008 and caused an economic recession in the United States, which spread to other countries. It was triggered when new homeowners found themselves 'under...
Three Takes On California’s Housing Crisis: Part 3
Part three looks at some of the unexpected consequences of an American Fever-Dream — home ownership, but not just any home: bigger, more unique, prestigious and. . . for reasonably well off citizens . . . affordable.
Community Land Bank + Community Land Trust = Affordable Housing
Community Land Banks, under one name or another, have been around pretty much since the dawn of cities. They are the result of communities, through one means or another, acquiring...
Affordable Housing Crisis Spin-Doctors Deliver A Faulty Prescription
Let's take the following media declaration at face value: "4 Out Of 5 Americans say there is a housing affordability crisis." Based on a sample of 20,000 people that's...
Baby Boomers – How Do They Fare In the Housing Market?
A recent edition of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's (CMHC) Housing Market Insight looks at housing trends among baby boomers in the Greater Toronto area.
Baby boomers are...
Housing For Young Aussies: Buy A Home? Bad Choice. Rent? Worse.
Without a parents' basement to inhabit while saving for a house down-payment, millennial Aussies entering the housing market are facing a bleak future. Rising rents are taking such a...
‘Schoolboy Economics’ Wrongly Validate A Housing Non-Crisis In The UK
We've seen several articles recently that address a conspiracy-theory notion of an affordable housing 'crisis'. Note in the previous sentence how the quote marks around affordable housing 'crisis' tend...
New Zealand Employee Affordable Housing Supplied By An Unusual Company Town
Company towns have a special relationship with their citizens. They are usually, though not always, born out of necessity: their remote location.
Why create a town in the middle of...
UK Looks To Adopt Home Ownership Plan Based On What You Can Afford
Swedish construction company Skanska, in partnership with well-known furniture retailer Ikea wants to build affordable housing in Worthing, Sussex, UK. 30% of the BloKlok partnership's modular housing project will be set...
Young Professionals Failing To Bite On Topeka Housing Ownership Lure
Over-the-hill American heartland cities are currently licking their lips at the prospect of the reverse migration of talented young professionals from increasingly unaffordable coastal boom towns such as San...
Hey Buddy, Got A Dime For An American Dream? Panhandling For A House
Panhanding on street corners for coffee (or beer)? Not okay!
Panhandling for a step up onto the housing ladder, particularly if the handout is enormous? Now you're talking!
A National Association...
Bad News For ‘American Dream’ Buyers. Your Home Ownership Strategy May Suck, Big Time.
The American Dream (which was once something elseThere’s a Wikipedia post about the American Dream from a range of perspectives.) has for a while time now been to 'own...
Who Buys Houses From Aging Boomers? Not Skint Millennials, That’s For Sure
The housing market, most unfortunately, is absolutely everywhere. As well, it's absolutely stuck in its everywhere place. (With rare exceptions, nobody buys a house — should they be able...
One Way To Beat The Heat In A Hot Housing Market: A Community Land Trust
America is a land with no constitutional right to housing, but a pressing need for it, nonetheless.
What is a house? With no constitutional definition, it's becoming ominously clear that...
NIMBYite Baby Boomers Go Out With A Bang, Not A Whimper
"Affordable Housing? How quaint. Of course. Only take it somewhere else. Otherwise I personally guarantee to shove your XXXX up your YYYY until you bleed buckets and scream for...
20-20-20 Vision: Screw The Carrot. Montreal Brings The Stick To Affordable Housing.
Forget tempting financial carrots to coax developers into supporting affordable housing. Montreal, Quebec is planning to bring the big stick to multiple housing developments in the city.
Incumbent mayor Mayor...
For Whom the Bell Tolls: Dare We Say For Revered Habitat For Humanity?
Habitat For Humanity is universally admired — a wildly successful hands-on religion which combines charity and sweat equity in its clarion call to service. Over the years, volunteers have...
Rent-To-Own And Housing Affordability: Just Who Profits?
Depending on the city you live in, affordable rental housing can be difficult to find, let alone 'rent to own' housing. However, any housing wrinkle may be worth a...