Social Housing Poverty: Whodunnit? Did You Guess Accountants?

Sure. We all know the poor decisions and poor choices that dump the unworthy into social housing. Let's spell some out, shall we? carelessness health issues illegal drugs ...

Housing Costs: When The Money Gets Dirty, Are The Dirty To Blame?

America, like many other countries around the world, is slowly waking up to a reality that many of its population can no longer afford housing. As a result, those...

Careless, Carefree Politicans Become Grim Reapers For The Unhoused

How much damage can politicians do? Can they kill people, directly or indirectly? Unfortunately, recent research is showing that in California at least that the answer is, intended or...

“Just Let Us Build More” — Homelessness Solved! Er . . . Apparently Not

We admit to the attraction of leftie arguments that seldom hold sway in Parliament, but at least reflect exasperation with modern neoliberal non-solutions stalled-out around just about every government...

Is Housing A Fore Gone Conclusion In Hong Kong? Here’s A Battle Report

Hat's off and sunscreen on for members of Hong Kong's Fanling Golf Club, the oldest in the region. They've just managed to win a prestigious UNESCO (United Nations Educational,...

How Many Renters Can Dance on A Housing Pinhead? In The UK, Not Enough

Renter-capabilities for an Oxbridge U. graduate with a plummy accent and impeccable manners? A breeze. Renter-capabilities for an average UK young adult of average colour (beige?), unimposing academic credentials (GCE),...

Notes From Ground Zero As Denmark Re-Engineers Its Ethnic Mix

Denmark, once an ethnically homogeneous society (white northern Europeans) is facing the consequences after decades of migrant resettlement in the country. The consequence is 'parallel societies,' within the country....

Why Efforts To Fix Canada’s Housing Crisis Aren’t Working

Ricardo Tranjan works at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. He's spent quite a bit of time there focussing on employment and poverty, but at the beginning of COVID,...

Merry Xmas For All? Hardly. 40% Believe The Poor Should Not Have Holidays

There are apparently significant consequences for those trapped by economic circumstances away from human pleasures we all might cherish — such as Christmas, or Hanukkah, or a well balanced...

Standing Up To Common, Semi-Fraudulent, Public Housing Promises — All Spelled ‘Eviction’

Faced with a conspiracy to cheat you out of your home, what can one individual do? For example, consider an impoverished resident of the infamous Cabrini-Green housing project in...

Will The ‘Crisis Of The Day’ Forever Delay The Human Right To Adequate Housing?

Waiting lists exist worldwide for those who need affordable housing but don't have it. Ultimately, do these lists represent a positive movement towards a human right to adequate housing...

Spotting Architecture That Encourages Homeless People To ‘Move On’

A recent post featured a town seemingly hell-bent on destroying its own quality of life — anything to get rid of those drug-crazed, brain-fried homeless folk who just...

London, Ontario City Council Pulls Rank on Church Homeless Welfare Staffing

Consider a spat between a London, Ontario church on one hand and that city's council on the other. It brings to mind a recent spat between a historic English...

Warning About Social Housing ‘Separate-But-Equal’ Plans That Aren’t

Public Private Partnership 'mixed income' construction projects have been generally considered a success. Their biggest drawback is often that they lack enough units of truly affordable social housing in...

Subjects Of A Lawsuit, Homeless In NYC Prevail Against Poisonous Neighbours

Do governments need to institute anti-discrimination laws to protect the working poor? When it comes to other disadvantaged classes — those suffering from discrimination due to gender, race colour,...

Skip The Fiddly Bits And Just Send Cash: A Poverty Fix Proposal

When a major U.S. news outlet proposes that the best antidote to poverty is "cold, hard, cash" it's worthy of a read. There's a certain irony in the followingAXIOS article,...

A New-Born UK Child, Perceived And Treated As A Punishable Atrocity

Genital Mutilation? It used to happen. Still does. Sterilization? It used to happen. Still does. Deliberate infection by disease? It used to happen. Still does. Slavery? It used to happen. Still does. Child...

Howling Wolves Outside? Sticks Or Bricks Housing Defines How You Cope.

Everybody knows that the older little piggies get, the more small-c conservative they become. Older piggies drift away from a youthful idealism and the need for change towards the...

Urban Planning Trapped In The Zoning ‘Solution’

When it comes to building more affordable housing, zoning has a high profile. An article in the New Yorker argues that by focussing on zoning, we miss the importance...

Is An Oregon Park Upkeep Proposal Really An Attack on Affordable Housing?

Leaf-shaded walks, flower beds in profusion, well stocked duck ponds: how does such an admirably eco-minded beautification plan get affordable housing activists calling 'fowl?' The answer lies in a proposed...

Bloomington, III, Conference Hears Solution to ALL NIMBY Problems

At a recent conference, Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) advocates have been given a preview of the ultimate NIMBY solution. Up until now, NIMBY protesters have voiced their opposition...

Distracted Politicians — Beware Generation Rent!

UK politicians are distracted. An opinion piece in the Daily Telegraph, inadvertently tells us just how distracted they are. The article itself is behind a paywall, but the headline and...

Poor Doors: “Excluding The Included” Lives On In Snob-Ravaged Britain

Alas, everybody needs somebody to look down on. That would seem to be especially true in Britain, where inclusionary housing is recapturing English snobbery and prejudice that has long...

A Constitutional Barrier To Public Housing Approvals In California

Institutional racism at the highest level is not at all distant in America's past. Earlier this month (February 2019) Virginia's governor admitted to a youthful yearbook appearance in blackface....

Trendy YIMBY Affordable Housing Activists Are Sheltered In A House Of Straw

YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) should more appropriately be named a finger-pointing Yes In YOUR Backyard, as YIMBY activists between the lot of them are unlikely to have enough...

US Housing Bill Funds 2,100,000 Affordable (Not ‘Workforce’) Houses. Truth or Fiction?

It's the truth, actually. It has just been proposed by Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren and will join the 115 other housing bills introduced over the last two years in this...

New American Tax Law: Helping Poor Communities? Or Helping Gentrify Poor Communities?

It's a little unnerving to hear that investors are absolutely racing to capitalize on a new tax law billed as a benefit for poor communities in the United States....

Are Mixed Uses Nashville’s Affordable Housing Future? Major League Soccer Is Beginning To Think So.

Zoning has weaknesses. It is exclusionary in nature, making it easy to divide one kind of neighborhood from another. That can lead to 'all or nothing' controversies like the...

Is There a Difference Between Hostile Architecture and Torture?

If you are homeless, and cannot sleep over a heat vent, will you die? The odds are against it unless you are in a country with a frigid winter...

Town Barks At Affordable Housing ‘Riff-Raff’: The Law Bites Back

The minutes of a Massachusetts town meeting made the position of their Board of Selectmen quite clear: affordable housing dwellers are a class of riff-raff unsuitable for local gracious...

Utah: The Executive-Affordable State Leaves Its Workers Behind

The U.S. Congress has recently completed a tax overhaul that promises a starry-eyed Christmas fairytale of sleek reindeer (corporations) which tow a bloated but bursting-with-life Santa (the U.S economy)...

NJ Affordable Housing Horse-Trading Is Snookered By Judge

New Jersey towns and cities have had a long history of trying very hard to wriggle out of affordable housing responsibilities, so hard in fact that the courts have...

It’s All About Us: City Politicians/Experts Navel-Gaze The Future of Government Housing Support

An international movement to broaden the social and economic classes eligible for affordable housing support is gaining steam. Make housing affordable for everyone, not just those most in need! Hardly...

When “Affordable” Replaces “Social,” The Housing Result Grows Grim For The Poorest

In Britain, government funding focus has shifted away from housing for those most in need and towards affordable housing support for a broader range of income brackets. There is...