Market Value Issues

Issues and events explore the blurring of the distinction between market value housing and affordable housing, together with attempts to create healthy neighbourhoods that mix the two.

Homelessness – A Long Term Issue In A Quick Fix World

Recently, Doug Ford, the Premier of Ontario, invited Ontario's mayors to request that he invoke the Notwithstanding ClauseThe Notwithstanding Clause refers to a provision in Canada's constitution, which allows...

Are We Missing The Mark On Homelessness Prevention?

Three academics who are based in Canada have written a thoughtful article about preventing homelessness as it is practised in the global north. The authors are strong advocates for prevention....

YIMBY Is Dead. Long Live YIMBY (The Good Kind)!

More than one kind of YIMBY? Why, yes, of course. There is the rare and honorable "Yes In My Back Yard." It happens hen people live in a neighbourhood...

Thinking The Unthinkable: Truly Affordable Housing Rescued By Commercial Building Meltdown

COVID has created an unexpected crisis facing the commercial real estate market. Worker flight to the relative safety of the home office has hollowed out the insides of shiny...

Residual Land Value And Why It Matters

Today's first postTry: Ontario's Government: Fix Supply To End The Housing Crisis. Have They Backed The Winning Horse? talked about plans to unlock housing supply in Ontario. It explores...

The National Dream Parade of Housing Emperors: Becoming A Truly Naked Ambition

With the advent of the 50 year housing mortgage in the United Kingdom, housing wealth can be 'rented' from a bank or mortgage company, costing for many a lifetime...

Yesterday’s U.S. Business High Rises: Tomorrow’s Affordable Housing?

The City of Toronto's name for a needed subway extension framed yesterday's problems for many cities.  It was called the downtown relief line. Relief from congested commuting to a crowded...

Public Housing: You Can Fool Some Of the People All Of The Time

You can fool 'some of the people all of the time' is part of a common sayingYou can fool some of the people all of the time, and all...

Welsh Government Tips Housing Scale To Favour Local Residents

The Welsh Government is giving local governments more the power to control the use of homesLocal residents are having more and more trouble finding homes they can afford. Tempers...

Give Me Shelter! A Business Fist Shakes Under A National Nose

No, it's not bleeding heart liberals who are whining. It's an attack on the social practices of a nation from an entirely unexpected quarter. That nation is Australia. The 'Me'...

Montréal: Can A By-Law Hitch An Affordable Cart To The Housing Dragon?

Montréal, Québec is like communities everywhere that recognize a need for secure, truly affordable housing for low- and no- income citizens. And like many, many communities, Montréal would far...

Acquiring Land for Affordable Housing? Scrap That Idea!

Governments, for all their supposed powers, are clearly at a disadvantage when it comes to competing with private enterprise that has sniffed profit in the wind. Sandy Springs, a newish...

London Mayor: Private Enterprise Can’t Solve Affordable Housing Crisis

Faced with an affordable housing crisis in his city, the Mayor of London, UK, has pointed out the fatal flaw when it comes to using PPPs (Public Private Partnerships)...

Today’s Eye-roller: 4000 Sq Ft Lots Sporting ‘At-Market Affordable’ Homes

From Manteca, California come tales of the hard lives of the middle and upper classes, together with the tribulations of the housing developers who serve them. Viewed from a...

Council’s Affordable Housing Duplicity: You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

So we're shining the sweat-inducing perp spotlight on some badly behaving city council. Which one, in which country? Consider this a blanket indictment of too many municipal councils facing affordable...

Charlotte Fixed Income Homeowners: Kneecapped By Rising Property Values?

So you own a home, it's partly or fully paid off, and its value is rising. Should you feel more secure in your newfound wealth? House proud, and comfortable enough...

Get Out Your Wallets, NIMBYites! Here Comes Affordable Housing Cap-And-Trade

All right, all right, there's no need to panic yet, neighbourhood Chicken Littles. The sky is not falling, nor has affordable housing cap-and-trade invaded your exclusive housing corner of...

Vancouver Finally Uncorks A Major City Bottleneck. Thousands Of Truly Affordable Homes Will Flow.

Vancouver, Canada is a city of world class unaffordable housing. And yet it possesses some $10 billion dollars in real estate holdings which include social housing. Most big cities own...

Viability Assessments: Are Artful Dodgers Facing A Comeuppance?

In the United Kingdom, affordable housing has been redefined to be anything up to 80% of market value. That makes the war on affordable housing 'a complete red herring'...

Social Housing At War With Private/ ‘Affordable’: A View From Trenches

The Battle of social housing is all but lost in North America. One by one the remaining project towers fall, ill-advised 'socialist' political tendencies sharing the blame with drug-addicted,...

Singapore’s Million Dollar Affordable Housing: A Public/Private Partnership Future?

A recent development by Singapore's public Housing and Development Board suggests an alarming future for public/private partnerships in countries who may be helping the needy to find affordable housing...

The State Seizes Your House. Public good? Or Middle-class Land Grab Conspiracy

Is American eminent domain a sinister weakness of public-private partnerships? Imagine that you own a small, old family dwelling in a downtown neighbourhood that has seen better days. A young...

It’s All About Us: City Politicians/Experts Navel-Gaze The Future of Government Housing Support

An international movement to broaden the social and economic classes eligible for affordable housing support is gaining steam. Make housing affordable for everyone, not just those most in need! Hardly...

When “Affordable” Replaces “Social,” The Housing Result Grows Grim For The Poorest

In Britain, government funding focus has shifted away from housing for those most in need and towards affordable housing support for a broader range of income brackets. There is...