The Canada Housing Benefit — A Journey In Wonderland?
A rent supplement program in the Canadian province of New Brunswick excludes people with disabilities. This seems odd, as people with disabilities have higher housing costs and lower incomes...
Head Leasing As An Australian Affordable Housing Solution
Successful and predominantly middle-class countries are nevertheless uniquely different around the world. Take investors, for example. Some 90 percent of them in Australia are 'Mum and Dad' investors. Small...
Is Your Over-Age Stay-At-Home Kid Helping Mask A World Housing Crisis?
Worldwide, this year has brought Spain into focus as a country suffering from a housing imbalance caused by tourism. This post is NOT principally about that story — a...
Sacrificing To Afford Housing. Really? Sacrificing? You Better Believe it!
The American Dream may well be anchored in your very own pot of gold that supports your Housing Ladder, offering you wealth and prosperity. Turns out, however, that earning...
How Many Renters Can Dance on A Housing Pinhead? In The UK, Not Enough
Renter-capabilities for an Oxbridge U. graduate with a plummy accent and impeccable manners? A breeze.
Renter-capabilities for an average UK young adult of average colour (beige?), unimposing academic credentials (GCE),...
Vienna: The Social Housing Good Penny That Keeps On Turning Up
Okay, So what has admirable Vienna, Austria done now to earn our applause? Only got itself accolades for being the most livable city in the world, from a list...
A Promising Case For Tenants With Section 8 Vouchers In Los Angeles
After a long search to rent a home in Los Angeles using a Section 8 VoucherSection 8 refers to a rental subsidy program in the United States, where qualifying...
Regulations That Trip Up Affordable Housing Design
You know, for such a small planet, we can be pretty blind to opportunities. Take housing design for example. For reasons that are explained in the article linked to...
Landlords Take Note: Discrimination Is Costly. Tenants? The Law Can Be A Valuable Friend
In the United States, Section 8 (Housing Choice) Vouchers are issued to a lot of people with very low incomes. The Section 8 Voucher provides financial support to reduce...
Been Homeless? No? A Property Guardian Maybe — Not Quite Homeless, But Usefully Close
Late in life, I'm pleased to learn a little about property guardianship. Seems I was a property guardian and never knew it. So was my daughter, at least in...
Pitching In For Better Housing In Louisville, Kentucky
When you think about tenant organizing in Kentucky, you might visualize Black tenants calling out their housing authority for poor conditions. The article linked to this post tells a...
New U.S. Federal ‘Renter Bill of Rights.’ Housing Help Or Hot Air Balloon?
The strains of the COVID-19 pandemic have laid bare the increasing crisis faced by America's renters that is now reaching into the middle classes. The U.S. Biden administration plans...
Big Landlords Beware: Activists In Berlin Celebrate The City’s Right To Expropriate
If you haven't been following the rental housing fight in Berlin, Germany, it's time to catch up. Berlin is a city/state where renters far outnumber homeowners. A considerable majority...
A ‘Right’ To Get Rich Clashes With The Right To Adequate Housing
Is there any agreed-upon human right for people to get rich? It's certainly an underlying premise of unfettered capitalism. Many, if not most who live in capitalist societies see...
Courage, Democratic Process, And Freedom: Keys To Strengthening Tenancies?
In 2017 (around the time started posting), researchers from universities in Spain and Chile published a review of academic literature that investigated the connection between eviction, health and...
Making Winnipeg A Safer Place To Live
"Winnipeggers deserve to feel safe where they live work and play" These remarks were made during a recent funding announcement by the provincial government in Manitoba.
Some of the funding...
Might Be A Risk As A Tenant? State Will Make It Risk-Free
For landlords, there's no such thing as a no-risk tenant. This writer lives in a 60 unit building and considers the superintendent a friend. The super has plenty of...
Facing The Facts About Renting A Home In The United States
The magic 30% rule has its difficulties. We're speaking about the housing affordability rule that 30% of gross income is a reasonable amount to pay toward housing costs. Research...
COVID Or No, Rental Housing With Low Rents Continues To Vanish
This year, is covering reports about rental markets in Canada and the United States in one post. Annual reviews are completed in each country. Both reports cover the...
New Brunswick & The ‘Deserving Human’ Right To Housing
Canada is so enamoured with the importance of human rights as embodied in United Nations declarations, that it has built a museum to showcase the lofty heights of its...
Australian Capital Territory’s Housing Policies Don’t Stand Up To Scrutiny
Jon Stanhope is perplexed. He led the government in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) from 2001 to 2011. Since retiring from the scene, housing in the ACT has become...
Affordable Housing Action. We Champion It. Does Anybody Do It?
Affordable housing winds of change blow across borders. It's especially true in Canada, with most of its population in a long narrow strip that hugs the U.S. border.
And given...
Collaborative Research In The U.S. Shines Light On Rental Market Trends
The Housing Crisis Research Collaborative recently hosted a webinar about the impacts of COVID for tenants and landlords in the United States. It included two panel discussions, one about...
Housing Activists Vs. Mega-Landlords: How To Be More German About It
In the war of attrition against hostile housing forces, the city state of Berlin, Germany recently gave housing activists world-wide something to cheer about.
The hostile forces were (and still...
New Housing Planned For Vancouver That Aims To Serve Women-Headed Households
The Vancouver chapter of Soroptimist International owns two housing projects. One, a two storey project that was built in 1970, provides 21 units of housing for senior women with...
Landlords Beware! Berlin’s Revenge Of The Renters Gets Green Light
The unremitting bumpiness of a worldwide affordable housing crisis hit a smooth patch momentarily with referendum news from Berlin that puts corporate landlords on notice that real change might...
Union-Built Housing? Vancouver Baby-Steps Towards A Nordic Solution
In North America, particularly the U.S., unions have suffered badly as "small" governments, no longer neutral arbiters, have promoted excessively friendly partnerships with business to achieve social objectives.
At the...
Montreal’s “Musical Chair” Rental Homes Tell Homelessness Like It Is
Canada's second largest city, Montréal, has some features rare to the North American continent. Besides its Francophone culture, it is a city dominated by renters. And, truly unique among...
Understanding Racial and Spatial Inequity In The Housing Market
The Urban Institute has just released Who Owns The Twin Cities, which analyses residential ownership patterns in Minnesota's Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul). These communities have the largest...
Howling Wolves Outside? Sticks Or Bricks Housing Defines How You Cope.
Everybody knows that the older little piggies get, the more small-c conservative they become. Older piggies drift away from a youthful idealism and the need for change towards the...
Tiny Points Of Light Can’t Put Housing Humpty Dumpty Back Together, But…
The much-worshipped self-regultory mechanics of the Law of Supply and Demand are failing to deliver the affordable housing that free market nations need.
America announced its determination to pass the...
So You Think It’s Tough To Rent In Your City? What About . . . ?
As cities cores become higher, denser, and more gentrified, the American dream is changing shape. What was once the lure of a single family home on a private lot...
Housing Author Talks Political Anger And ‘Triangle Of Resistance’ To Affordability
The focus of the article linked below is the United Kingdom. But the problems it explores are mirrored in nations experiencing a housing crisis that national and regional governments...
Evidence Public Housing Can Be Done Better, The Next Time Around
This post features a "good news" public housing story. It comes from Germany. We'll admit it right up front, part of the story is a little stale. It's about...
Developer Wit Dream: Save The Planet By Killing Zoning. Good Joke!
Zoning laws were developed to prevent anybody, including builders, from building just anything anywhere. Reasonable enough to prevent housing next to health-endangering industry, and to build buildings to basic...
Hong Kong Style Micro Home Living Already Alive and Well in America
Imagine a railway sleeper car with its upper and lower bunks set up nightly, complete with privacy curtains and a ladder to the top bunk. If you've had the...
Affordable Housing Insanity: In Jersey City, You Can Be Too Poor To Be Poor
Too rich to be poor? Now that's a concept that's easy to understand.
Too poor to be poor? In all the world, it's apparently only possible in Jersey City, New...
Looking To Rent With Rental CV Handy? No? Everybody Else Has One!
With renting a home becoming the flavour of reality (if not desirability) everywhere, it's tough to stand out when would be renters flock and squawk around scarce opportunities, like...
The Ownership Housing Ladder: For Growing Numbers, A Stairway To Nowhere Desirable
Two important factors are gradually swinging the attention of house builders in a number of countries away from the 'National Dream' of home ownership — a mantra that has...
Columbus, OH, Teeters, Then Topples: Housing For The Poorest . . . Or Federal Funding?
That there is a 'need' for housing across the American nation is largely self-evident. Housing developers would be heading out of business otherwise, and the largest of them at...
Seattle Does The Section 8 Two-Step: A Vastly Improved Housing Voucher Plan
The fundamental nature of the world's most successful homeless-to-housing program is embodied in its name: Housing First. First implies that there is at least a second step. And housing is...
Portland Prepares For Care And Breeding Of Affordable Grannie Flats
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), grannie flats, garden suites, call them what you will, can be highly affordable. Better still, in a crowded urban landscape they have a residential footprint...
How To Be Wrong-Headed About The Right Kind Of Affordable Housing Assistance
"I'm sorry, Mr. Brewster Twillingate-Smithers III, but I will not rent one of my apartments to you because your income is zero, not withstanding your weekly million-dollar subsidy from the family trust."
Does The New Normal — Renting — Require A New Affordable Housing Strategy?
National governments on both sides of the Atlantic obsess about the home-ownership dream, even as households are shifting away from home ownership towards renting their housing, permanently. Part of...
Ghostbusters: Massachusetts Enumerates Affordable Homes
Plaudits to the Kuehn Charitable Foundation for their efforts in Massachusetts to help develop a statewide user-friendly register for affordable housing. Read more about their initiatives in The Boston Globe:...
Persistence, Not Perfection, Plucks Homeless From Atlanta Streets
For Atlanta, Georgia's homeless population, persistence has paid off. The city lays no claim to a magic formula for getting people out of the streets and into homes. Other...
Getting More Affordable Bang From Your Rental Security Deposit Buck
If you are a renter, what use are you getting out of your security deposit?
Your landlord is holding your security deposit as a trust. So, in theory at least, a...
Housing A Bigger Concern In UK Than Brexit: No Priority for Election-Focused Tories
It seems that UK citizens are more worried about the nation's housing crisis than they are about Brexit. Parliament, meanwhile, has moved beyond obsession to a state of flat-out...
Indigenous Housing Providers: A Source Of Strength For Affordable Housing
The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) has just released a report about non-profit affordable housing that is provided and operated by indigenous organizations. The housing is spread across...
United Kingdom “BBB” Housing: Boxy But Beautiful, Green But Affordable
A United Kingdom housing project has achieved the unlikely: PassivhausPassivhaus, a tough but voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building. Read more: What Is A Passive House? standards generally...
A Spotlight On Rental Housing Affordability In Canada
Want to know how renters in Canada are faring? Now you can. A coalition of agencies has teamed up to produce a Rental Housing Index for Canada.
The project was...
Social Housing In America: Past Time For A Full-Blooded Rebirth?
America is a country that remains responsive to human needs, even in spite of the fiercest attacks to dismiss them. One example: poll results following three years of U.S....
More Support For Affordable Housing Needed From Canada’s Federal Government
The Broadbent Institute has added its voice to the groups who identify affordable housing as an issue for Canadian voters when they go to the polls on October 21,...
In London, UK, New Social Housing Projects Stand Up To Be Noticed
The public face of much-touted public private partnerships (PPP) is a local county council. For several decades now, local councils have been expected to maintain rental housing stock for...
Planning Ahead For The Great Public Private Partnership Poop-Out
Yes indeed, the leopard may change its spots. And the scorpion crossing the river on the back of the frog may not sting it, so that they both drown....
Canadian Cities Want More Balanced Federal Affordable Housing Strategy
When Canada's sleeping giant (in this case, its federal government) finally awoke to a variety of housing crises in 2017, it did so with a 10 year, 40 billion...
Born Again Social Housing? Is It Possible? Scotland’s Done It
America is where social housing went to die. Poisoned by the cold war that tarnished all things that remotely hinted of socialism or communism, social housing's slow death was,...
Minnesota Faces The Fly In The Affordable Mobile Home Ointment
Perhaps one day we'll overhear disparaging remarks such as "Oh, he's just Land Trust Trash (maybe even 'Commie Land Trust Trash)"
Why? Well, land trusts are a lot like trailer...
Rental Housing Pressures Increase in American Cities. Which Can Cope Best?
These days, two pressures steer home seekers towards the apartment rental market.
Plan 'A' may be to own a home, but temporary or permanent lack of a mortgage down payment...
Housing For Young Aussies: Buy A Home? Bad Choice. Rent? Worse.
Without a parents' basement to inhabit while saving for a house down-payment, millennial Aussies entering the housing market are facing a bleak future. Rising rents are taking such a...
Why Canada’s Rental Housing Market Should Be An Issue In The Federal Election
The CBC recently reported that the high cost of living will be biggest issue for Canadians leading up to the federal election which is scheduled for later this year....
Protecting Vancouver’s Affordable Renting: Some Alternatives
Two important factors are influencing rental housing in cities across North America.
The 'millennial' age group is now facing the lifetime challenge of finding employment and shelter. The average millennial...
UK Looks To Adopt Home Ownership Plan Based On What You Can Afford
Swedish construction company Skanska, in partnership with well-known furniture retailer Ikea wants to build affordable housing in Worthing, Sussex, UK. 30% of the BloKlok partnership's modular housing project will be set...
Can Unsubsidized Apartment Construction Rescue Struggling Middle Class Buyers?
For the past few years, the American housing industry has been open and unapologetic about the focus of its members, both corporations and individuals. The industry prefers to profit...
Berlin Tries Another Way For Governments To Invest In Affordable Housing
Should Government take any role, let alone a direct one, in creating or maintaining affordable housing? For conservative-dominated capitalist governments, it is a topic of hot debate. That in...
Institutionalizing Homelessness: Bangor, Maine, Hands Out Tents
On one hand "Make India Great" is coming close to providing true housing for an entire population of one and a third billion over a span of 7 years.Try:...
Montreal’s July 1st Musical Housing Chairs Sounds A Mournful Note
An unusual phenomenon takes place every July 1 in Canada's second largest city, Montréal. It is a city where renters are in the majority (493,000 or 63% of all...
Housing Co-Operatives: What Are They And What Are They Good For?
What Are Housing Co-operatives?
When you start to look into housing co-operatives, you might be struck more by their diversity than what they share. Their contribution to a country's housing...
Revisiting The City Of Boulder’s Co-op Housing Ordinance
Two years ago, after a two year process, the City of Boulder approved by a vote of 7-2 an ordinance to allow housing co-operatives as dwelling units. Opponents felt...
New Jersey Non-Profit Demonstrates What Community Can Do That Government Can’t
When it comes to affordable housing, New Jersey's bickering between municipalities and the state have set a national benchmark for the lowest possible standard of government commitment to a...
Affordable Grannie Flats Are ‘In.’ Flop Houses? In Minnesota, Not so Much… Yet.
Simple solutions have a way of finding themselves.
Some reports suggest that at ground zero of the affordable housing crisis — the state of California — grand schemes for generating...
Scams Can Make Swiss Cheese Out Of Affordable Rent Protections
The affordable housing crisis is creating a new class of perpetual middle-income home ownership hopefuls. They'd love to own a home, but year after year, the possibility of doing...
Will Democratic Control of State Government Help New York Renters?
For many years, Republican majorities in the New York State Legislature have blocked efforts to provide better protections for the state's housing renters, particularly those suffering from predatory landlord...
Can You Get There From Here? Plugging Low Income Americans Into Affordable Housing
An individual or an agency interposes itself between you and your objective and offers to help. Sure, you can hope for convenience, but hardly ever a cost saving.
Help when...
U.S. Prez Hopeful Touts Rental Assistance. Seismic Shift In American Dreaming?
It's election promise season in America. (With U.S. political campaigning practically all year, every year, when is it not these days?)
Leading up to the 2016 U.S. elections, there were...
Housing Just Gets More Expensive For Low Income Renters
Apartment List, a private sector web-based rental housing listing service in the United States, has just released its report tracking trends in income and housing costs from 2008 to...
How Denver Downtown Gentrification Freezes Out Essential Workers
"Hospital treatment bookings wait for no person," I reasoned before beginning cancer radiation therapy in downtown Toronto. I planned to travel to my appointments by subway (No sane person...
When The Rubber Hits The Road: Seniors Eye Affordable Housing That Isn’t
Today, we're serving up a still warm-brace of stories that expose the rape of a word that threatens senior citizens world-wide. That word is 'affordable.' The deliberate and callous...
5 California Ideas For Housing The Homeless
A California 'homelessness housing' design competition has announced winners from some 53 developers who entered a Los Angeles County innovation challenge.
The winners are expected to use their prizes, which...
Legal Rooming Houses: Part Of The Affordable Housing Puzzle In Toronto
The plucky Scarborough Community Legal Clinic is back in the news, reminding Torontonians about people living in rental housing that is illegal in most residential districts in the city:...
Will You Live Long Enough To Find Rural Affordable Housing In The UK? Quite Probably Not.
Most people live in urban, rather than rural, areas in all developed countries. Not surprising, therefore, that an affordable housing crisis is seen as an urban problem, not a...
Homelessness: Most of What You Believe About It Is Quite Probably Wrong
There are not that many homeless people, but those few are persistent in putting themselves in our faces, sleeping in our city doorways, panhandling on our streets. Wrong.
Young people...
What Detroit Needs: Temporary Low Income Workers To Occupy Temporary LIHTC Housing
Temporary low income workers? Too bad for Detroit that the world doesn't work that way.
Because temporary low income workers would perfectly suit America's Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Low Income...
Return Of The Living Dead? Faint Footfalls Of Yesterday’s Affordable Housing Grow Louder In The Gloom.
Mark Zandi, Chief Economist at Moody's Analytics, stirs a fat chicken into the red-hot American housing pot, with an analysis of factors that are threatening housing in America, particularly...
Social Rent: From Socialism To Slapstick . . . And Back Again
The title of this article pays homage to a much more impressive one which we'll get to in a moment. It's partially entitled " . . from Stalin to...
Social Rent: What Is It? How Does It Help Us Understand Affordable Housing?
We are in an era of proliferating definitions for affordable housing. They have multiplied to the point of utter confusion, not only for those who discuss and attempt to...
Delayed Home Ownership Ambitions Pressure The American Home Rental Market
Apartment List is an American private company that specializes in apartment rentals. Because of its size, it's in a position to gather broad statistics concerning rental accommodations in the...
Naturally-Occurring Affordable Housing: What Is It? How Can It Be Preserved?
Take yourself back twenty or thirty years (or less, if strictly necessary due to age considerations) and reading apartment-for-rent ads in the newspaper (remember them?) for say, '2 bdrm...
Los Angeles Leans On Trustworthy Non-Profits To House The Homeless
So why would a landlord ever want to rent a market rate apartment to a homeless person?
It's exactly what you thought. They don't.
Small and large studies in America show...
PPP Can’t. The Government Won’t. Can Non-Profits Fix The US Affordable Housing Crisis?
Public private partnerships (PPP) for developing and managing affordable housing have demonstrated a powerful allegiance to profit before public good in several western countries. Indeed, everywhere you look these...
In Canada, Renters Aren’t Just Nobodies. As If Anybody Who is Anybody Really Cares.
In Canada it seems, anybody who is anybody owns a home. The country has one of the highest rates of home ownership in the world.
By contrast, renters are either:...
Toronto’s Affordability Strategy? Goose The Middle Class Onto The Housing Ladder. Warehouse The Poor.
Criticism of a new Toronto plan to deal with homelessness shines light upon some of the rhetoric that clouds the meaning of 'affordability'.
Toronto's recent civic election rang loud with...
Jupiter, Forida Experiences Affordable Housing Cheats The Good Old American Way
Public/Private partnerships are 'Fake News' bringing hope to the solution of national affordable crises in many countries. What's fake about it? The final delivery, it seems, never quite matches...
Toronto’s Devastating Statistical Fairness Of An Empty Lottery
How can a government, a province or state, a municipality, discharge its responsibilities to its citizens and be perfectly fair?
By lottery. Everyone who enters has the same chance as...
The ‘Working Poor’ Who Can’t Afford Housing? Folks You Wouldn’t Expect
A Trulia Research Special Report recently updated an earlier exploration of professions which were struggling with affordable housing issues. For many it's a difficult choice: either impoverished by housing and living...
Vancouver Finally Uncorks A Major City Bottleneck. Thousands Of Truly Affordable Homes Will Flow.
Vancouver, Canada is a city of world class unaffordable housing. And yet it possesses some $10 billion dollars in real estate holdings which include social housing.
Most big cities own...
Milwaukee’s ‘Worm Ouroboros’ (That’s The Snake Eating its Tail): The Affordable Housing Study That Ends Where it Began.
Low incomes are the greatest barrier to affordable housing. This is the position of affordable housing reports from time to time. On this occasion we've felt compelled to comment.
Town Bonus: A College Economy -> Town Burden: Less Affordable Housing
For many towns blessed with a college or university, there is a certain pride in hosting an institution of higher learning. Far more important for the health of the...
The Affordable Housing High Jump Dilemma: Lower the Bar, or Raise the Ground?
Hand-wringing about the rising cost of affordable housing is by far the most common way of identifying 'the target' of the affordable housing crisis.
But housing is almost always paid...
‘Stay Put’ And Other Useful Options For Affordable Housing Stressed Seniors
"We've been empty nesters for years. We don't need this much space. Let's cash in, downsize and rent." It's common enough and perfectly sensible discussion for retired seniors on...