
Where appropriate remediation is possible, brownfield offer particular benefits as well as problems for the placement of affordable housing

Social Housing In Barcelona, Spain – Low Rents And Energy Efficient

Poor workers deserve housing. In 1930's America, the sentiment was just a hop, skip and jump away from 'poor workers deserve poor housing.' America did adopt a social housing (public-funded) program...

Rusting Money: Can Banking Coffers Become Brownfields?

The concept of brownfields is useful. The idea of an industrial landscape that has outlived its usefulness deserves a name. Brownfields, with its suggestion of rusting metal fills the...

Using Land Recycling To Help Fix The Problem of Urban Sprawl In Germany

Brownfields is the name given to lands that have been in commercial/industrial use and no longer needed for that purpose. They are often contaminated with industrial and chemical waste,...

Commercial Buildings Reborn As Affordable Homes?: Türkiye’s New Challenge

An article linked below offers a number of insights, large and small, about the global nature of 'financialized' housing. One immediate small insight: a preferred spelling — Türkiye —...

UK Builders See Brownfields, Self-Build, High Rise Affordable Opportunities

Influenced perhaps by its physical location in North America, finds itself in constant pushback against a simple-minded housing industry view: if governments would only eliminate regulations, builders would...

Cleaning Up Chicago By Smothering Violence With Affordable Housing

An affordable home would seem on the surface to be an unusual weapon with which to face a violent gun battle with a neighbourhood gang. Unusual? How about bonkers! And...

Sidewalk Labs Presses ‘Affordable’ Button To Scam Cash For Toronto Smart City

These days, any luxury mega-project worth its salt is bound to lightly lard its housing components with 'affordability.' Sidewalk LabsSidewalk Labs is a subsidiary of Alphabet, which is also...

A Green Future With Housing For All? Of Course It Can Be Done. But It May Take Baby Steps

A fear looming ever bigger and nastier on the horizon is the possibility that affordable housing demands will clash head on with steps necessary to prevent an environmental catastrophe...

Brownfields: What Are They? What Can They Offer Affordable Housing?

A recent UK article calls out the housing industry for its antipathy towards brownfield housing development. What is a 'brownfield' development, as opposed to a 'greenfield' one? Brownfield is the name...

Social Housing At War With Private/ ‘Affordable’: A View From Trenches

The Battle of social housing is all but lost in North America. One by one the remaining project towers fall, ill-advised 'socialist' political tendencies sharing the blame with drug-addicted,...