You have to hand it to capitalists! They are indeed the gods of profit, and can find the narrowest niche market in which to make a few bucks. But surely not by squeezing those bucks from homeless people, who have little or nothing to spend!
Think again.
Consider the increasingly necessary fate for those who can barely afford personal transport to get to work, but not enough for housing. They may adopt the now-well-known solution to live in their vehicle.
But that idea can lead to catastrophic oopsies. Park where you think you won’t be hassled. Then come home from a long day at minimum wage to discover that your ride/home has attracted the attention of parking authorities. It’s been towed to an impoundment lot somewhere in the far boondocks. If it happens to you, you can meet up with your vehicle if you can get there. Where, of course, you must pony up an eye-watering parking fine that you can’t begin to afford.
Well, just as landlords can rent you a pad that takes some of the costs and burdens of home maintenance off your hands, a ‘vanlord’ in Los Angeles can rent you a van without some of the hassles of vehicle ownership. Don’t expect to drive it anywhere, though. It’s like a ‘marina queen’ (a boat that never leaves its dock).
As for getting to work, you’ll have to take the bus or walk. Nevertheless, there are apparently plenty of takers for this immobile mobile rental service. Read more at abc7: In Los Angeles, the homeless pay rent for RVs that offer shelter and little else