Clothes Come Out Of The Closet, Helping One Itty Bitty Step At A Time

Strings of clothing fly like banners high above rooftops
There are some places where things you desperately need, such as clothing, may mercifully not be so far out of reach as you might think.

Homelessness will be solved, nation by nation, neighbourhood by neighbourhood, as individuals are sufficiently moved by this tragedy to actively add their efforts, however small. to the collective will. We’re on the lookout for these people.

Homeless people as well as others needing assistance in Ontario’s Niagara Region can find help from a social enterprise that offers pop-up clothing sites.

Everything about this volunteer initiative screams “small.” Like their “mini closets,” for example. This is an initiative that is not by itself going to change the world, nation, or region. But it is going to influence the attitudes of those involved, including those who make the clothing available, who include local police, emergency services and outreach workers.

Itty bitty steps? Oh yes, when you’re hauling your mini-closet resources using local transport, you really are moving one itty bitty step at a time. Read more on that, as well as work of the charitable enterprise “Mobile Closet”, at the Welland Tribune: Mini closets help bring clothes to marginalized people including the homeless