Dear Santa, Please Bring More Affordable Housing To America

Long gone Fifth Avenue, N.Y.: a swanky residential street.

Riffing off an ever-popular Christmas movie — It Happened on Fifth Avenue — The CEO of a national housing non-profit offers a hopeful message for the holiday season.

How do we come to deserve our national affordable housing crisis? Richard F. Burns first summarizes how the nation finds itself in such a sorry plight.

He follows up his unavoidably gloomy analysis with a hopeful (and wishful) description of the ‘ragtag’ bunch of partner agencies who must work together to extract the country and so many of its citizens from the burden of unaffordable housing.

(Ragtag? Just maintaining the spirit of the movie, which features an unlikely collection of homeless squatters who battle the odds to find themselves a home.)

For a seasonal uplift on the affordable housing action front, read more in The Hill: It Happened On ‘Fifth Avenue’ — And It Can Happen In Your Town


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