dezeen: Is Housing That Everyone Can Afford The Solution To A World Housing Crisis?

stacked townhouses beside a walkway in Central Hill council housing estate in Lambeth, London
Central Hill council housing estate in Lambeth, England is featured in one of the de zeen series that calls for housing for all. Architects have joined tenants in opposing the Council's plans to demolish all 450 homes on the site.

The architecture magazine dezeen has a bee in its bonnet about social housing, to the point of proposing a world-wide Social Housing Revival. The foundations of dezeen’s interest and advocacy goes beyond a new wave of social housing architecture. The magazine states that

“a return to social house-building at scale can help solve affordability issues and homelessness in our major cities.”

From Canada, the future of social housing still feels somewhat influenced by a visceral hatred of public housing in the US, attracted to a myth that public housing harbours criminally unworthy degenerates.

dezeen does not share that reluctance and pairs low income citizens with a human right to affordable housing. The result is the Social Housing Revival, a series about the future of social housing enriched by examples from around the world.

Pick and choose from the articles featured in this ongoing project as your interests dictate. Read more in dezeen: Social Housing Revival