Die, P-P-Pie In The Sky! UK Affordable Housing Needs Huge Govt Commit Instead

sculpture of Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill photo by Hanhil is licensed under the public domain
A sculpture of Winston Churchill, who is often remembered for his leadership in World War II. He also led England's largest ever affordable housing construction program in the 1950's.

An unprecedented coalition of charities and activist groups are challenging the next UK Prime Minister to face up to reality. They are labelling as a total failure the public/private partnership (PPP) experiment to re-build a nation’s depleted stocks of affordable housing. Instead, the private sector has shown itself either unable or unwilling to do more than throw mere handful of so-called ‘affordable’ new homes into a hurricane of need, as more and more low income citizens are squeezed out of the housing market by rising prices.

The coalition is says that the only possible solution to the crisis will require an enormous financial outlay yearly for at least a decade in order to fund government-led construction of  truly affordable housing. Read more in The Sun: Next PM Must Spend Billions To Build 145,000 Homes Every Year, Housing Groups Warn


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