If you really want to understand how an entire nation tolerates being buried in shit, play a little catch-up with United Kingdom’s current ‘progress’. Buying into the ‘neoliberal’ political notion that private enterprise does public services better than any other method, Britain has addressed the human need for clean water by turning the task over to for-profit companies.
These days the UK’s nation streams are rapidly turning into sewers while the surrounding seas receive spreading fleets and flotillas of turds. In the UK, private water management enterprises are currently paid from citizen tax dollars. Private investors then reap profit from the panoply of poop.
So public works and government workers will inevitably turn out to be a better bet for human waste management? Not so fast. Not according to some in Grand Junction, Colorado, USA. That city has closed its public washrooms. Everyone suffers. In particular it catches short people who are unhoused and literally have no home solution.
That does not sit . . or stand . . . well with some more responsible local citizens. Allow us to introduce Toilet Equity, a non-profit that is addressing one of the common public complaints about the ‘disgusting’ habits of people who are unhoused — no private place to ‘go.’
Read more at Colorado Public Radio: As Grand Junction closes public bathrooms, a nonprofit brings relief and helps close the toilet gap