Helping Baby Boomers Go Very Slowly, Gracefully, And Affordably Bust

black and white image of retirement community in Olinda, Victoria, Australia
A retirement home community in Victoria, Australia, which will soon be joined by others, if all goes according to plan.

What do Baby Boomers Need?

Fresh air and sunlight (which we all need). But surprisingly, seniors, along with the rest of us, need surprisingly little as it turns out. A recent article in New Scientist describes parameters for all ages. Read more in New Scientist: Two Hours A Week Spent Outdoors In Nature Linked With Better Health

Companionship and conversation.We’re not just talking desirable add-ons here, we’re talking about life preservers, according to an article in The Atlantic: Having A Library Or Café Down The Block Could Change Your Life

Physical and Financial Supports. Nations that saw a baby-boom post World War II are now faced with an aging population of those boomers who are becoming less independent and less able to rely on private transport. Many now live on fixed incomes that are gradually buying less and less. Many more are becoming aware that the ‘wealth’ derived from investing in home ownership cannot be converted to supports for aging as hoped.

What kinds of plans does your region or municipality have in place for a growing population? Here’s an Australian project that includes planning for seniors who are self-sufficient, as well as those who need physical, social and financial supports. Read more at agedcare101: New ‘Micro Village’ Project Set To Deliver Affordable Housing To Older Victorians


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