The 2020 Martin Luther King March in Oakland rallied support for 'Moms 4 Housing.'
When opts to post about news events, we try to find those that showcase ideas and concepts that can provide encouragement about positive future change.
One news event that affordable housing action has followed was what seemed to be a spontaneous occupation of an empty Oakland, California house, by a tiny self-styled “movement” — less than a handful of homeless moms.
While empathizing completely with the plight of the mothers and their children, we assessed the efforts as half-baked hopelessness supported by a mis-directed political thrust towards law-abiding speculators (no matter how odious their practices) rather than towards the governments that allow the fundamental human need for shelter to be chronically ignored.
Reading the following article, though, we’ve come to realize how just how wrong our initial assessment was!
From Shelterforce: Homeless Mothers in California Show How Radical Housing Activism Becomes Lasting Change
Our previous, faltering attempts to grasp the “mighty oaks from small acorns grow” inspiration of this story: Evicted Oakland Squatter-Moms Buy That Vacant House — Updated