So what’s the homeless score in Murderland?
How many upstanding citizens have been done to death by homeless people — angry, drug-fueled and/or otherwise crazed?
How many hapless homeless people have been self-defenced to death by gun-toting freedom lovers?
Which side is ahead? Which behind?
Jacobin is a publication that can be described in the most generous terms as ‘left leaning.’ Nonetheless it has avoided much or all of partisan hate/fright-fuelled rhetoric that can easily surround U.S. murder statistics. In the article linked below, it more or less dispassionately outlines the results of its researches across the nation in order to document the details of an alarming increase in murders involving — caused by and caused to — the homeless.
Jacobin reports: “Looking across the data, we see three big-picture trends: One, killings of homeless persons have been on the rise since 2010. Two, the pandemic era has brought a new surge in homicides involving homeless people. And three, contrary to the common perception, unhoused people are far more likely to be victims of homicides than perpetrators.”
Value-loading these trends: One, fewer belligerent crazies pushing random folks off subway platforms. And two, more execution-style homicides of the homeless as they sleep.
Why’s and wherefores of these alarming increases in murderous behaviour? Read extensive conclusions at Jacobin: Homeless People in the US Are Being Murdered at a Horrific Rate