Some see trash. Others see hope.
Disgruntled home/business owners, little or no civic budget, litter mounting up, the homeless lurking everywhere to take the blame for being alive and underfoot: it’s a currently familiar tale for cities around the world.
Here’s a San Diego pilot project that your city might consider adopting. It’s a scheme that is almost as penniless as those it ’employs.’ At $2 paid per litter-filled garbage bag, it is certain to wipe the exasperated scowls from neighbourhood residents and business people who aresick of wading through street trash, whoever is to blame for it.
A further possible bonus, providing a mote of happiness for the otherwise penniless, struggling through another day without a roof overhead to call home. Read more in the Voice of San Diego ‘Thank You for the Hope’: How a Pilot Program Helped Homeless Residents and the Community