Housing/Community Issues We Bet You Don’t Have!

building lobby with portrait of a pig
This scene was created by affordablehousingaction.org and is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

TheMAYOR.eu is an English language blog from the European Union that often features snippets of good news about goings on in the eclectic array of cities that make up that continent-wide political entity.

EU housing issues and community challenges can be reminders for other countries of municipal challenges/victories that the rest of the world’s cities clearly don’t have (yet). This week there are not just one, but two, unusual little posts that are pretty much guaranteed not to provoke municipal self-improvement controversies in other corners of the world.

From the city of Montpelier, France a housing quality improvement that may be a delight for residents in new housing developments but something of a challenge for developers: All future residential buildings in Montpellier must feature works of art

And from Krakow in Poland, an annual event that may remind poop-and-scoop dog owners elsewhere of how that trivial doggie chore stacks up against a much more substantial community nuisance: Krakow has 10 times more wild boars on its streets than it should

Finally, one more community ‘oddity’ that your community might indeed suffer from: a lack of recognizing fellow passersby with a simple ‘hi.’ This particular Swedish story is courtesy of The Guardian: ‘You live in your own bubble’: Swedish city takes on loneliness with a simple hi