Hong Kong Social Housing: Different Strokes House 50% Of Folks

construction cranes above housing development
A new public housing building under construction in Hong Kong.

During the 20th century, different nations found different reasons to develop different forms of social housing.

Exceptionalist America more or less did theirs one way for one reason in one form. Being American, it was inevitably considered the right way for the right reason in the right form.

And it has been pronounced — by Americans — to be a resounding failure. End of story.

America’s repugnance of social, a.k.a public, housing not only influences its own current housing crises, but those of other countries. Nearby Canada adopted social housing in another way for other reasons in another form.

Such is the influence of America in the modern world, however, that Canadians have been influenced by American repugnance. It has helped to certify Canada’s ongoing neglect of their own social housing, together with a conspicuous reluctance to build more.

Some nations have allowed American rejection of public housing to influence their own approachOthers have not.

Why not look at those other models? Hong Kong currently houses more than 50% of its population in social housing. Read more in the South China Post: How Hong Kong Developed Unique Design For Social Housing – Seeds Were Sown In A Prisoner-Of-War Camp


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