It’s All About Us: City Politicians/Experts Navel-Gaze The Future of Government Housing Support

Mississauga's iconic 'Marilyn Monroe' condos. Should taxpayers help the middle class buy such housing?

An international movement to broaden the social and economic classes eligible for affordable housing support is gaining steam. Make housing affordable for everyone, not just those most in need!

Hardly surprising really, that when tasked with finding a new focus for grant money, Mississauga, Ontario councillors and staff studied hard, and found . . . themselves. They concluded that the income bracket most in need of housing assistance just happens to be the income bracket either occupied or aspired to by Mississauga City staff and councillors.

On the surface at least, it seems that no other group of people needs Mississauga’s financial housing help. Advocates for those who are least able to afford housing are very far from amused by the city’s conclusions.

Read more at Mississauga’s affordable housing strategy excludes city’s most vulnerable: critics


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