Just Maybe A U.S. Worker Shortage: Extraordinary Lawmaker’s Admission

four firefighters manage a hose at an active fire in Brunswick, Maine.
There's a shortage of all kinds of workers in Maine. That can lead to terribly bad news.

Two of the world’s most populous English language nations are in denial over their worker shortagew. That makes it a remarkable event when one of their lawmakers stands up, and in the style of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, presents a begging bowl and asks for ‘more, please.’

That would be more migrants please! Hard to believe in the current climate.

Those sentiments have been recently expressed in the public forum of the U.S. House of Representatives. This is indeed an unusual statement in a country that publicly celebrates its hatred of ‘illegal’ incomers, sawing them up with razor wire and/or drowning them in the Rio Grande River when given half the chance.

It’s a remarkable statement that dares to echo rising concerns in the Far East, where several populous countries have begun to panic about their declining workforce, thanks to national declines in childbearing. Try: Waiting And Waiting For Public Housing – Hong Kong Version

Such a statement might well have been made by the United States’ partner in human resource denial. The United Kingdom has been preparing to fly illegal incomers at enormous expense to Rwanda in Africa rather than find a way to welcome them in1.

It seems we have the a State of Maine representative to thank for proposing a more sensible attitude to the human resource opportunity that is finding its way across the southern border. Chellie Pingree argues that more migrants should be bused north to her state. Read more at WGBR Albany: Maine Dem says ‘whitest state in the nation’ welcomes migrants to fill worker shortage


  1. Following the recent election, and a new Prime Minister, this may change.