American Public Housing Authorities: Undertakers Or Futurists?

The winning team photo by AHOY Centre is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
No, we're not quite dead yet. The proof? We can still cheer for ourselves.

American Public Housing Authorities, form into a great big circle. Now lean forward and pat yourselves on the back.

Oh. You’re already doing that?

What a clever little group of social housing undertakers you are in an era when America is desperately in need of more social housing. So sweet that you’re barking in unison to praise the hand that feeds you, the U.S. federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Read more in ProPublica: Local Housing Authorities Give Themselves Perfect Scores. Renters Disagree

As you social housing undertakers pat yourselves on the back, are you looking over your shoulders in regret for opportunities squandered?

You should be. There is another more important role you could be playing. Consider the  following example, featuring the optimism of social housing futurists across the pond: Scots Spark Nationwide Social Housing Futures Confederation


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