National Irish Success At Building Social Housing Matched With History Middle Class Housing Support

historic picture of the brand new Cabra affordable housing subdivision
The Cabra subdivision, completed in the 1920's, one part of Dublin's affordable housing history.

The government in the Republic of Ireland will shortly unveil new plans for affordable housing. While waiting, The Irish Times offers a review of the state’s role in housing over the last century.

The history begins in the 19th century. Along the way, it has provided mortgages and subsidies to the middle class, demolished slums, built a range of low rent housing and embraced public private partnerships.

Why does this matter everywhere? Advocates are calling for leadership at the highest levels of government to address the affordable housing crisis. Decision makers are looking for alternatives to public private partnerships. Looking at past roles points to some ways forward.

See The Irish Times: A century of housing: How the State built Ireland’s homes


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