A local article from a Welsh newspaper paints in one corner of an enormous issue: ‘decarbonization’ of United Kingdom’s social housing.
Viewed from America, decarbonization or greening, or energy efficiency, or any of a several of other terms all compete for primacy as a description of efforts to slow planetary damage caused by climate change. Could any such description suit as a constructive U.S. national strategy to upgrade woefully neglected public housing?
It seems an almost impossible objective in the light of federal efforts to scrape public housing piecemeal off the national plate and onto the shoulders of any non-profit or for-profit enterprise willing to accept the challenge of making long neglected but fundamentally necessary repairs to America’s public housing.
In the light of such horrors as New York City Housing Authority’s $40 billion+ estimate for fundamental repairs, it makes it difficult to imagine further outlays, however much they may be needed, in order to prevent climate change.
The Welsh article is a local window into one way that a broad national coalition of government, non-profits, and for-profit organizations may be able to approach such a carbonization challenge at a measurable pace dictated by available resources.
Read more in the South Wales Argus: Newport City Homes funding award to ‘decarbonise’ social housing