Seems we’re not talking much about assisted suicide in Canada. Not as much as we might, given how it’s becoming a convenient and very cost-effective cure for homelessness.
Britain has nationalized health care — not quite the same as Canada’s ‘provincialized’ version but close enough that citizens in two countries sometimes worry about the same things. Not so close, however, that the UK is prepared to sweep an assisted dying tragedy under the carpet, as Canada seems to be doing.
Hey, Canadians, do you imagine yourself visiting a hotbed of horror when visiting your local GP? Britons can, courtesy of not one, but two recent articles in their national press, the second of which is featured below.
Affordablehousingaction.org tries to avoid steering folks towards paywalled publications, even when they reflect respected, thoughtful UK national voices. We’re making an exception here. You can register with the THE SPECTATOR, and read it free for a month (no obligations).
A month might be long enough, if you’re Canadian, to wrap your head around the idea of skipping the hopeless struggle of finding housing you can afford. Instead, you can access Canada’s rapidly crystallizing (and hugely cost effective) answer to an ever-deepening housing crisis: A Human Right To Die in support of your country’s affordable budget woes.
Read more in The Spectator: Canada’s assisted dying catastrophe is a warning to Britain