Planning Ahead For The Great Public Private Partnership Poop-Out

view of housing in Richmond, North Yorkshire
Richmond, England. How will non-profit groups fare in their efforts to develop new affordable housing here?

Yes indeed, the leopard may change its spots. And the scorpion crossing the river on the back of the frog may not sting it, so that they both drown. But in spite of the feeblest evidence to the contrary,1 the private side of public-private partnerships will continue to smite all enemies in its struggle to maximize shareholder profits.

With exasperated local United Kingdom councils wearying of the enemy role while they struggle to squeeze much needed affordable housing from the chokehold of private enterprise, their attention is turning to other alternatives, some old, some new.

A trickle of national funding is now supporting the possibility there may be better ways to overcome housing crises than those expressed by the “private enterprise does it better” mantra.

A planning guide has just been published. It is intended to help planners, “new” developers, such as councils themselves, and non-profit organizations.

This may well be a resource useful in other countries, where local governments, or non-profit agencies are exploring the role of affordable housing developers. Read more in PUBLIC SECTOR BUILDING NEWS: Community Led Housing: A Route To Better Planning For Communities And Neighbourhoods In England


  1. See: Build Build Build: Never Mind The People


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