Right End Of The Stick? Buckhead Thinks Affordable Housing Solves Traffic, Not Causes It

Gridlock in Buckhead, Atlanta Georgia.

In the gentrified Atlanta, Georgia neighbourhood of Buckhead, intrepid urban voyageurs are proposing to paddle upstream against conventional traffic attitudes.

For most neighbourhoods suspiciously eyeing housing development projects, traffic congestion is a classic NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) issue. Even a house or two of affordable housing squeezed into a quiet residential district can start the neighbours ranting about gridlock. Try: The Many Colors Of Nimby: Traffic Jams

Buckhead, however, has come to the conclusion that gridlock is not about having more close-by neighbours who own vehicles. The problem is the number of commuters who cannot afford to live nearby, and who must commute into, or through the community.

Their innovative solution: mix up housing in an already-gentrified district. Read more in WABE: To Ease Buckhead Traffic, Group Studies Affordable Housing


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