Roadmaps To Affordability You Might Actually Enjoy

Image of greenhouses and rows of climbing vegetables at Iron Street Farm located on the South Fork of the Chicago River
Iron Street Farm, located in Chicago's McKinley Park Neighbourhood. It ranks number one as an affordable and desirable neighbourhood, in one country-wide comparison.

Survey articles on affordable housing in America are prone to offer ‘top ten’ cities where the housing market is still somewhat affordable. Or ‘top fifteen.’ Or the like. That tends to be the only criteria. No mention is necessarily made of why you might want to live in, for example, the ‘hottest affordable housing market in the country’ — the town of Parched Lake, Death Valley, California.

What makes the following article particularly useful is that it ties together a recent survey of affordability, with places that many actually find desirable to live in.

Read more in Consumer Affairs: There are still pockets of affordability in desirable housing markets


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