Mapping Inequity In The United States

coloured map in atlas of Brooklyn
An index map for an Atlas of Brooklyn from the late 1800's, which is stored in the New York Public Library's archives. Today, current and historic atlas information has migrated online.

People looking for evidence of racial inequity in the United Sates need look no further than the National Equity Atlas. Data is organized using 31 indicators, of which three focus on housing and affordability issues. The site also shares examples of strategies to undo the inequities.

All of the indicators are accessible at different levels of geography. The site is intended to be a living resource, with plans to add information going forward. The site identifies a gap in information about disparities experienced by people who are lesbian, gay, transsexual, two spirited or queer.

The site is a collaborative effort and supported by charitable foundations in the United States. It will be particularly useful in thinking about and planning an equitable economic recovery from COVID-19. The site design and data methodology should be of interest to researchers and community foundations in other countries as well.

Here’s a link to the National Equity Atlas