Spain has just passed a Right to Housing law. The law allows rent controls in any and all housing markets that are deemed by local governments to be ‘stressed.’
This provision affects the 25% of the country’s housing stock, which is rented. Strong arguments are being made against it. Critics says it will only benefit those lucky souls who happen to be renting when the law comes into effect. Later renters of the same property are predicted to spend more to rent the housing — their rent forever higher.
The right to housing law includes other measure to give renters a break, such as escalating taxation of large landlords that hold rental housing off the market in attempts to drive up prices.
Read more, including arguments pro and con rent controls, in QUARTZ: Spain’s new “right to housing” law enshrines rent control nationwide. . .
For an account of other features of the far-reaching housing bill, check out this article in Osborne Clark: Spain’s government approves the Right to Housing Bill
For other discussions of rent controls and rent regulation, try: Rent Control Studies Under Scrutiny and Rent Control Unpacked