The “commodification-of-shelter-as-a-moral-end-in-itself” sub-department of the “why-community-controls-must-be-the-foundation-of-truly-affordable-housing” department
Not all that long ago, religions assumed responsibility for the less fortunate with local governments picking up the slack.
Over the last century or two, along with the diversification of religion in many countries, welfare responsibilities have been gradually assumed in greater and greater part by local governments . . . that have of late become more and more reluctant to assume the associated costs.
This government-led welfare can be less than obvious to the eye, particularly when it comes to the framework of controls over those wolves who would gladly prey upon the defenceless.
When it comes to shelter, consider the situation of those who live in communities where the government has not taken an active role in limiting the excesses of housing commodification.
For one such example, with the nature of the predatory excess clear in its title, read more at the BBC: The City Where You Pay A Year’s Rent Up Front