This is for those who have never been a starving student sharing a home space with one or more ‘might-one-day-be-friends’, but not if they carry on the same way.
This is for those who have had that experience and want to re-explore a nostalgic checklist of exasperating eye rollers.
The BBC has an English English (e.g. think ‘loo roll’ as opposed to American English name for the same household essential) short exploration of a universal set of co-living experiences: The Perks And Pitfalls Of Sharing A Flat
Co-living was once a familiar way for cash-strapped students to weather the housing storm during higher education. It is now increasingly the only option extending into early and middle adulthood that provides anything approaching ‘truly’ affordable housing.
In Britain, young people often got their start in the housing market by renting social housing from the local council. The decline of social housing means that this once-practical option for transitioning to free market housing is no longer available to many young adults.
No, it isn’t all bad, but it’s clear that the benefits for a home-sharer can be sometimes lost behind a film of red rage descending over the vision, while muttering, “Not again!”