This Year, Will Florida Keep Its Grubby Little Hands Out Of The Affordable Housing Cookie Jar?

Interior view of the House of Representatives in the Florida State Capitol
This year, decision makers in Florida's House of Representatives will assist 8,000 to 10,000 households to afford housing, if they approve the proposed budget.

In April of last year, we published a story about the Florida State Legislature’s woeful record of plundering its affordable housing trust fund for a succession of apparently much more pressing financial issues, stretching back over a decade. Try: Ways To Kill Affordable Housing Action: Florida Trust Fund Looting

Well, it’s another year, and another opportunity for Florida legislators to ignore the crisis that is consuming cities and states across America. How will they do this year? Some observers are cautiously optimistic.

Read more on the subject in the Florida Phoenix: Maybe this year the Legislature will stop swiping the money earmarked for Florida’s affordable housing


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