Tiny Home Living Doesn’t Have To Be A Luxury In Spain

honeycomb built by wild bees
Honeycomb in Beehive photo by United Diversity is licensed under CC BY 2.0
With only the addition of a single letter, First Lady Trump's anti-bullying slogan works for affordable housing, too. Bee best.

Luxury? Who says tiny home living is a luxury? Well, affordablehousingaction.org says so. Or at least we point out that it very much CAN be luxury living. Try: Small May Be Beautiful, But Who Says It Is Affordable?

But a company called Haibu has other ideas. They’ve been causing an uproar for more or less a year in Spain. We’ve reported on them earlier. Try: Bed In A Box: Spanish Affordable Housing Bottoms Out. Last Stop Before ‘Life In A Coffin.’

Haibu is apparently the Japanese word for ‘beehive.’ It seems that beehive living in Barcelona has created such a fuss that it has crept in under the radar, so to speak. Read more in The Economic Times: Contested ‘Beehive’ Housing Arrives In Barcelona On The Sly

With Japan and Hong Kong offering practical examples in the most extreme forms of tiny home living, we couldn’t resist reminding people of a recent Hong Kong architectural proposal for tiny homes that not only is ‘beehive’ in concept, but ‘beehive’ in appearance. Try: Tent City Of Tomorrow? Strong, Cheap, Beehive Life In Sewer Pipes.


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