Buckingham Palace, London. A truly at-market affordable mansion if it comes on the market and you can afford to buy it.
From Manteca, California come tales of the hard lives of the middle and upper classes, together with the tribulations of the housing developers who serve them. Viewed from a have-not perspective, the link below tells a tale of a tiny tempest in a gilded teapot.
A notable feature of that article is a passing reference to ‘at-market affordable housing’ — a glaring example of how the term ‘affordable’ has, over the last year or so, been sucked dry of all meaning.
Of course, to understand that, you’d have to know what ‘at-market affordable housing’ actually means. But don’t worry, an explanation is given, which boils down to the use of the term ‘affordable’ as in: ‘it’s affordable to whoever can afford to buy it.’
Read more in the Manteca/Ripon Bulletin: AFFORDABLE HOMES NEXT DOOR TO MANSION? As the French say: “Quelle Horreur” — What Horror, or How Awful!