For many towns blessed with a college or university, there is a certain pride in hosting an institution of higher learning. Far more important for the health of the town, however, is the contribution that such school or schools make to the town economy. An industry that grinds up freshmen and spits out graduates is a blessing for employment, for retail sales, and a host of other valuable economic spin-offs.
But with a growing concern in towns and cities everywhere about the lack of affordable housing, the blessing of a college or university economy also comes with a burden. Housing for students may make affordable house hunting a burden for everyone else who lives, or desires to live, locally.
A recent regional housing study in McLean County, Minnesota identified the housing profit from renting to students on a per-bed basis can put a heavy burden on those seeking to rent by number of bedrooms, not number of beds.
Read more in The Pantagraph: College towns often face housing affordability issues