What was this blue-footed booby thinking, allowing unreliable humans to get so close?
After succumbing to an attack of pre-adolescent giggles, we’ve smartened up. We know perfectly well that Booby Alley does not celebrate those with overly-endowed chests, nor are they those with walnut sized brains.
Anyone with a bird book can explain that boobies are large tropical and sub-tropical sea birds. On land, they tend to be unwary of humans, which makes them boobies, indeed.
But we digress. And we haven’t started yet. The Booby Alley social housing project is in the island country of Antigua and Barbuda which, like much of the rest of the world, is in serious need of truly affordable housing. Of particular interest in this social housing project is the project partner — the People’s Republic of China.
China appears willing to challenge America for world dominance by competing in every possible sphere, including weaponry (think aircraft carriers). As for its enormous need for housing its own citizens, it has bought into the free-market speculative financialization of housing as investment, unfortunately creating an affordable housing crisis of its own. Nevertheless, it finds the cash to support other, less endowed, countries.
Exporting housing assistance follows in the footsteps of the now defunct Soviet Union, which also exported housing knowhow and assistance around the world following WWII. Today China continues the practice, undoubtedly to win friends internationally. Would that capitalist governments adopted the same friendship tricks, beginning with be-friending their own less well-endowed citizens in desperate need of affordable housing and carrying on worldwide!
Read more in Writeups: Antigua and Barbuda: PM Gaston Browne signs Booby Alley Social Housing Project agreement with China