What Does Poking In Bushes Tell Us About The Number Of Unhoused People In The US?

Three perfectly normal looking young men stand in the bushes of a park at night
This scene was created by affordablehousingaction.org and is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

In answer to the question posed in the headline — ‘point in time’ counts tell us not a lot about absolute numbers of people experiencing homelessness. That’s because unleashing a gaggle of volunteers to check one night a year under park foliage as well as down cluttered, unlit alleyways leaves plenty of room to mis-count people who are unhoused and publicity-shy.

But the same methods are used year after year (the volunteer basis makes them affordable, if inaccurate). There is hope that comparing counts from year to year using similar methods can reveal increasing or decreasing trends can be relied upon.

On that basis, the news from America?

All bad.

Read more at Huffpost: US Homelessness Soars To Highest Reported Level As Rents Soar