Arguably The World’s Greatest Affordable Housing Activist Performs In Tights

an ispiderman movie poster on the curved vertical corner of a multi-story building
spiderman photo by nanstoe is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
The world's most powerful affordable housing activist! Who knew? Not this stuffy blog writer.

The writer of this blog article really needs some help here. It seems that Spiderman — the comic book hero who has now graduated to over-the-top computer generated almost non-stop action movies, is an out-and-out affordable housing activist.

Here’s my dilemma:

Are we talking about the ‘real’ Peter Parker a.k.a. Spiderman, latter day comic book hero now clinging to a skyscraper at a theatre near you? Is he really an affordable housing activist?

Or are we talking about a kind of allegorical Peter Parker, co-opted for the moment by the Foundation of Economic Education (FEE) to play an altogether fake, though hopefully meaningful, exploration of some important affordable housing principles, helped along by the fake actions of a gang of fake supporting characters, including his mother?

My dilemma? I absolutely hate Marvel Comics mega-movies — they bore me almost instantly into sleep. That puts me at odds with the rest of the world.

In the interests of self-preservation I’d rather not chase down the latest Spiderman movie to find out if the plot outlined in the link below is a real(?) Spiderman plot or one temporarily invented to turn Peter Parker into a role model affordable housing action hero.

Could someone else please do the job for me, and let me know the truth?

In the absence of some closure on this issue, I can only suggest that the 769,999,999,999 true Spiderman affectionados in this 7.7 billion population world might amuse themselves by reading more at FEE: What Peter Parker Can Teach Us About Housing Affordability


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